Brynna (Stone Society) - Faith Gibson Page 0,51

Trevor hugged him back, closing his eyes. Brynna didn’t miss the tear that escaped Trevor’s eye. She stepped around the males and linked arms with Jasper. “Let’s give them a moment,” she said.

Abbi was leaning against Frey’s chest, and his hands were cradling her stomach. The couple was smiling down at the brothers who were whispering to one another. Frey opened the door, and when Brynna stepped into the house, an excited Molly came running to her. Brynna dropped to her knees and got a face full of happy doggy kisses. She giggled as the pup wiggled her butt in hello.

“I missed you too, girl.” Brynna let Molly have a few moments before pushing to her feet.

Abbi had waited for Brynna, and the pretty dancer hugged Brynna to her as best she could. “It’s good to see you again.” Abbi’s round belly was pressed to Brynna’s flat one, and for the first time ever, Brynna wanted that. Wanted life growing in her stomach made from the love she shared with Travis.

Abbi stepped back, holding Brynna’s arms. “I take it you finally told Travis the truth?”

“I did, with a little prodding from my brother and Uri. And if I hadn’t…” Brynna took a deep breath. “Let’s just say we might not be standing here right now.”

“Well, I’m glad you’re standing here. Let’s go to the kitchen and grab some coffee.”

Brynna took a seat at the large kitchen table. Frey and Abbi’s setup was like the one at her house in Norway. This was the heart of their home. It didn’t matter how large the house was or that there was a formal dining room. The large kitchen held a much-used table where they congregated more often than not. Travis and Trevor joined them, followed by Molly, with each male going to their respective mate. Frey was leaning against the counter where Abbi was pouring several mugs of coffee.

Once they were all seated at the table, Travis asked, “How’s Kaya? I wanted to call Rafael as soon as Trevor told me what happened, but I didn’t want to disturb him at the hospital.”

Frey ran a hand through his short hair. “She’s hanging in there. But they aren’t at the hospital. Rafael took her, Sebastian, and Priscilla to the family villa in Italy. He hired a husband and wife team who are both doctors to travel with them. Kaya has a long recovery ahead of her, and Rafe wanted her to have a peaceful place to do so. At least that’s what he said. I think he was just tired of being King, and I can’t blame him. He needs to focus on his family right now, and getting away from New Atlanta will allow him to do so.”

“Who’s leading the Clan in his absence?” Brynna asked.

Frey blew out a breath. “I am. It’s only been a few weeks, but I have a new respect for my cousin. I knew there was a lot he kept from us, but until I stepped into his shoes, I didn’t realize how much. With Drago dead, the Unholy are without guidance. I do have a plan to get them all off the streets, but it’s going to take time. Sinclair is looking for the Greeks on the West Coast. With Lachlan on the run, we still haven’t figured out who was behind the attack on the jet. Henry is sure it wasn’t Lachlan, but he hasn’t been able to track down who was able to hack into the system and make it appear as though it was him.”

“I bet it was the same people who targeted us in Norway,” Travis said.

“Say what?” Trevor barked. “Travis, why didn’t you tell me?”

Travis crossed his arms over his chest and arched an eyebrow. “Like you told me?”

Jasper pulled Trevor closer and kissed his temple. “Brynna, why don’t you tell us what happened.”

Brynna set her mug down and cradled it between her palms. “It isn’t pretty.” Travis placed his hand on her thigh, squeezing gently. She turned to look at her mate, and his eyes held so much compassion it gave her the strength to go on. Brynna told them everything, including killing the humans. When she finished speaking, she waited for judgement, but it never came.

“Now you have your own badass,” Trevor said to Travis. When Brynna looked at the male, he winked at her. The others laughed, and Brynna felt lighter than she had since the day she escaped.

“You have no idea.” Travis laced his fingers with Brynna’s Copyright 2016 - 2024