Brynna (Stone Society) - Faith Gibson Page 0,39

best to calm down. He then searched the hospital nearest the pub and called them. The operator answered, and Banyan said in Norwegian, “I’m looking for my sister, Brynna Holgersen. She would have been brought into the emergency room.”

“Let me connect you,” she responded.

Banyan paced the sidewalk as he waited. After the call was connected, he was told there was no one admitted with that name or anyone fitting her description. Banyan hung up and called every hospital within a five-hundred-kilometer radius. Unless Brynna had been flown to a hospital on a jet, she should have been at one of the ones he called. “Fuck!” His phone rang, and he thumbed over the screen. “Bryn?”

“No, this is Travis. Banyan, where is Brynna?”

“Travis, how are you? Are you hurt?”

“I’ll live. Passed out momentarily, and I probably have a concussion. Now answer the question. Where is my mate?”

Banyan blew out a breath. “I don’t know. According to the manager at Johan’s, she was in some type of altercation with a man. She left the building afterward.” Banyan didn’t want to worry the human, but he had to be honest with him. “Travis, according to the female who answered the phone, Brynna was stabbed.”

“What? Then she has to be at a hospital. I’ll call—”

“Travis, hold up. I’ve already called around. She isn’t at any of the hospitals within five hundred kilometers. Speaking of, which one is Dacey taking you to?”

“I don’t know. But don’t worry about me. Worry about finding Brynna. Oh, god. I can’t lose her too.” Travis’s voice cracked, and Banyan’s heart went out to the young man. As much as Banyan loved his sister, it was nothing compared to the bond Travis felt as her mate.

“We will find her. I’m going to let Cal deal with getting Uri released, and I’m headed to the pub to get some answers.”

“We’ll meet you there as soon as I’m stitched up.”

“I’ll see you soon.” Banyan hung up just as Uri called to him in his mind.

What’s wrong?

Brynna’s missing. She was stabbed while waiting at the pub, then she just fucking vanished.

Go. Do what you need to. Cal will get me out of here, or he won’t, but that’s not important right now.

I’m sorry.

Stop it. I’m a big Goyle, and I have a kickass attorney. I love you, B.

I love you too.

Banyan hated leaving his mate, but he needed to find his sister. He rushed to his car, and as soon as he was on the road, he called Julian. If anyone could help find Brynna, it was the Clan genius.

Brynna was all kinds of disoriented when she came to. The first thing she noticed was the floor. As in she was staring at it from about six feet above it. The second thing that registered was she was hanging from the ceiling, bound by a shit-ton of ropes wrapped around her nearly naked torso. At least they left my underwear on. What the ever-loving fuck was going on? She was in a room made of concrete. There were no windows and only one door that she could see. Her arms were bent at an angle, but she had to at least try to claw her way through her bindings. Before she did that and outed herself as something other than human, she searched the room for cameras. She could only turn her head so far, so there was no way of knowing if there was one behind her.

“Hey! Let me the fuck out of here!” Brynna reached out with both her shifter hearing and senses, but she didn’t detect anyone else in whatever hell she was in. “Fuck.” To claw or not to claw? Until she knew whether she was being watched, she couldn’t chance it. Instead, she called on her beast and wiggled her legs, hoping her Goyle strength would allow her to loosen the bindings around her ankles. It didn’t. Whoever had tied her up knew what they were doing. Her side was aching, and that was when she remembered being stabbed. There was a bandage over the wound, and it was no longer bleeding. The ropes had been wound around her so they weren’t touching that area of her side. At least they were considerate when trussing her up like a fucking turkey.

Brynna then tried rocking back and forth to see if she could unhitch herself from whatever she was hanging on. She was able to swing her body, but it did nothing toward releasing her. She was well and Copyright 2016 - 2024