Brynna (Stone Society) - Faith Gibson Page 0,40

truly fucked. All she could do was wait and see if her captors returned. If they didn’t? Brynna didn’t want to think about that.

Banyan stormed into Johan’s and demanded to see the manager. A young man who didn’t look old enough to shave met Banyan at the bar. “The police have already been here to take a statement. I left the security footage pulled up because I figured you’d want to see it.”

“You’re damn right I do. What did the police have to say?” Banyan asked as he followed the man to the back of the restaurant to a small office.

“They’re checking cameras in the area to see if they can figure out where your sister went. Here you go.” The man handed Banyan a business card. “The politi asked that you call him.” The manager pressed a key on the keyboard, and Banyan watched as a tall male appeared to bump into Brynna as she sat at the bar. When Banyan found her, he was going to give Brynna hell for not sitting where she could see everyone around her. The man strode out the door after shoving a knife in Brynna’s side. Brynna jumped off the stool and took off out the door. What really pissed him off was that no one offered to help her. Brynna went outside, and a few minutes later, a tall brunette who was already in the bar said something to the bartender, handed over some cash, grabbed Brynna’s purse, then headed out the door.

“I don’t know that woman. I want to talk to the bartender. I also want a copy of this video sent to my phone.” Banyan wrote his number down and gave it to the manager. He stood there to make sure the man did as he was told. When his phone pinged, he sent the video on to Julian, then motioned to the door. Banyan had to wait a few minutes for the bartender to get a break in customers. When she came over, Banyan asked, “The woman who paid my sister’s tab, what did she say?”

“Just that she would take care of the tab and get the woman’s purse to her. That’s all. She laid down more than enough cash to cover the bill.”

“Did you see the man who stabbed my sister?”

“No, I’m sorry. We have been slammed all day. I was around the corner pouring a pint when it happened.”

“Thank you.” Banyan scrubbed a hand down his face. He hadn’t felt this lost since he killed Mishka, the human Uri married in New Orleans. He didn’t regret taking the human’s life, but he did regret what it did to his relationship with Urijah. It took thirty long fucking years to finally get his mate afterward. And now his mate was being set up for something he hadn’t done. And Brynna… “Sis, where the fuck are you?” he whispered into the universe. As he was leaning against the brick of Johan’s, movement to his right caught his attention. A man was limping toward Banyan, holding his head. Travis. Dacey was right behind him.

“Banyan, tell me you have something.”

“I sent the security feed to Julian. Shouldn’t you be in the hospital?”

“Not now, Banyan.”

Banyan understood the human’s urgency, so he relented. “Let’s take a walk.” The three of them headed off toward where Banyan had parked. “How did you get here?”

“I rented a car since mine’s totaled,” Dacey said.

When they reached Banyan’s vehicle, he unlocked the doors, and they all piled in – Travis sitting next to him in the front, with Dacey in the back seat. “This isn’t a conversation to be had where humans can hear us.”

“How’s Uri holding up?” Dacey asked.

“He’s fine. Pissed, but fine. Cal is with him.”

“Who’s Cal?” Travis asked, wringing his hands together.

Dacey leaned forward, resting his forearms on either seat. “Our nephew. He’s one of the best attorney’s in Norway. If anyone can get Uri released, it’s Cal. Now tell us what happened here.”

Banyan leaned his back against the door so he could see both males, then relayed what was shown on the video. “I didn’t recognize the woman, and I doubt Brynna knows her either, but I can’t say that with all certainty, considering she and I only reconnected a few months ago. I have no idea who is attacking us and whether or not they’re after me or Urijah. Brynna doesn’t make enemies, so she has to be a pawn in this shit, the same as you, Travis. The cops are Copyright 2016 - 2024