Brynna (Stone Society) - Faith Gibson Page 0,25

my kids to be sheltered. It’s not as though the world knows who or what I am. Other than here in the Goyle community, I’m just Brynna Holgersen. Oh, that reminds me. I want to change my name, if you don’t mind. I’d at least like to be able to hyphenate it if you don’t want me taking McKenzie.”

“You want my last name?”

“Of course. Unless you wanted to take my name. It would be the cosmopolitan thing to do.”

“Yep, that’s me. Mr. Cosmopolitan.” Travis polished off his food and drank down the last of his cider while he thought about it. He wiped his mouth on the cloth napkin and said, “Trevor took Jasper’s name, and even though I love him more than anything, I wouldn’t want to hurt our father by removing the McKenzie name from my life. He screwed up where Trevor was concerned, but he’s trying to make amends. Since you are royalty, I don’t expect you to want to let go of your name either, but I’ll leave that decision up to you.”

Brynna laughed. “We need to work on making decisions. How’s this? We get married, and I take your last name.”

“You want to get married?”

“I do.” Brynna laughed again. “Guess I’m practicing for the big day already. But only if you want to. I mean, we are going to be together the rest of our lives, so why not? We don’t have to do it too soon, though, if you aren’t ready.”

Travis reached out and took a strand of Brynna’s hair, twirling it around his finger. “We also need to work on saying what we want instead of saying something, then backtracking in case the other isn’t onboard. Yes, let’s get married, and yes, I would love for you to become a McKenzie. I would like to get married back in the States so my family can be there. Maybe once we get this house remodeled and I get Banyan and Uri’s house designed, we go back to New Atlanta for a while.”

“Sounds perfect.”

Brynna took the tray from the bed and set it by the door. “Tell me about the process of building a house. Once you get the drawings done, what happens?” She sat back down on the bed and leaned against the headboard, patting the space beside her. Travis didn’t hesitate to take her up on the invitation. He slid his arm around her shoulders, and Brynna leaned against him.

“After I finish my part, builders are chosen. There are permits that have to be pulled, and once they’re approved, the builders get started. Sometimes the owner decides they want something changed, but by the time the foundation is poured, it’s usually a done deal. Then I move on to the next one.”

“Do you think Rafael is going to be okay with you being here in Norway part of your time?”

“I don’t see why not. I’m pretty sure he gave me a job to get me away from Athens. He has plenty of other architects on the payroll. Maybe he’ll start an international branch of Stone, Incorporated and let me head it up. Besides all that, he will understand my need to be with you all the time now that we’re mates.” Travis tipped her chin up. “I’d like to make a suggestion.”

“Tell me,” Brynna said, wrapping her arm around Travis’s waist.

“Let’s take Banyan up on his offer to build a house on his property. I’d like to have something that is ours. Something we design together. Turning the manor into a hotel won’t be a major undertaking. The hardest part will be making sure the land is zoned properly, getting the necessary permits, those types of things, but I have no doubt you can make it work. Now that we’re talking about a future together, I can’t see us living here. I definitely want kids someday, and I would love to build a house both of us love where we’re close to your brother and his mate. Somewhere our kids will get to grow up together.”

Brynna tipped her face up, smiling, and Travis kissed her lush lips. “I think that’s a great idea. You know what else I think?”

“No, what?”

“I think it’s time to get naked again.”

Travis agreed. Several times.

Chapter Six

At breakfast the next morning, Brynna told the others what she and Travis had decided, including their plans to marry once the new house was built. Marcie made mimosas to celebrate both their mating as well as their engagement. Uri and Banyan gloated, Copyright 2016 - 2024