Brynna (Stone Society) - Faith Gibson Page 0,24

made sure the second was slower yet not any less passionate. He wanted to show Brynna with his body how much he cared for her. It was too soon to say he loved her, but they had all the time in the world for that. Now that he was a Gargoyle mate, his life would be extended, and he would forever appear to be twenty-seven. He was good with that.

Instead of asking Marcie to bring them food, Brynna called her friend and asked that she fix two plates and leave them in the kitchen for later. They showered together where Travis took her against the tile wall. Her mate was stronger than he looked. After bathing one another, they dried each other, kissing and touching. Brynna tossed on some clothes to go after their food, and Travis changed the sheets. Yes, they were going to mess the clean ones up, but the ones he removed were in serious need of washing.

Brynna returned from the kitchen with a tray containing two covered plates as well as a six-pack of beer. “I started to grab a bottle of champagne, but I know you don’t care for it, so I thought we’d celebrate with this instead.”

Travis wasn’t a big drinker because of his health issues, but he’d found he could tolerate a few bottles of cider. He enjoyed the sweetness in moderation, and Brynna liked the taste well enough to drink it with him. His woman – his female – could drink him under the table, but that wasn’t saying much. She was a Gargoyle, and therefore she had a high tolerance for alcohol.

They sat cross-legged on the bed, facing each other. When she removed the covers, he was pleasantly surprised to see one of his favorite meals – fried chicken, green beans, and mashed potatoes. “Did you tell Marcie to cook this?”

“I might have sent her the recipe and mentioned it was your favorite.”

“Thank you. For everything. I promise I’m going to be the best mate to you. I’m probably not what you would have chosen for yourself, but I figure if the fates chose me, they had a reason.”

“Don’t sell yourself short, Trav. In my eyes, you’re perfect. And can I just say you’re different than I expected in bed? Who knew my shy mate would be a wildcat?” Travis was never happier to have met his college lover than in that moment.

“Maybe you just bring out the animal in me?”

“Well, whatever the reason, I’m glad.” Brynna sighed, smiling at him. “I’ve waited a long time for this moment, and I’m happy I get to share my life with my best friend. You really are perfect for me.” She raised her bottle. “Here’s to us,” she said, tapping it against his cider. “Skål!” Travis repeated the Norse toast and took a sip of the sweet alcohol.

“Now that the house is yours as well as mine, tell me what you think. Should we remodel so we can keep it and live here part-time? I know you don’t want to leave Trevor or your job. If you want to live in the States year-round, I’m good with that too.”

“Are you saying you don’t want to be my Sugar Momma?” Travis winked.

Brynna rolled her eyes. “Well I am older, so I guess the label works.”

Travis laughed and shook his head. “I think it’s more up to you and what you want. This is your family home.”

“You’re my family now. I don’t want to sell the house; I know that, but I also think this place is too big for just the two of us, so maybe we should turn it into a hotel and build a house closer to where B and Uri are going to be.”

“What about kids? Do you want to add to our family some day?”

“I love kids, but I’m not sure I’d make a good mother,” Brynna admitted.

“What? Bryn, you’ll make a wonderful mother. You’re great with Amelia and Connor.”

“Yeah, but I can give them back. I’m not making decisions that affect their lives.” Brynna ate some of her chicken before continuing. “Uri and I had this same conversation earlier. If I have kids, I know I don’t want to raise them how I was brought up. Other than my handmaid and tutors, I had no one to talk to. No one to play with. I wasn’t allowed to go to school with the other kids, therefore I didn’t have friends. Just because I’m a Princess doesn’t mean I want Copyright 2016 - 2024