Brothers Black 7 - Blue Saffire Page 0,70

“Jas, you’re with me.”

“The Blacks stuck their necks out for us on this one. Do whatever you need to make sure everyone returns home safe,” Nate says with heat in his voice.

I pick up the pace and rush down the stairs. I had been heading to the gym to blow some steam off, but now the only place I want to be is in one of the cars heading out. Hearing the name Black, I know something is wrong with John.

“I want to suit up. I want to go,” I say as I come to a stop in front of a pissed off looking Nate, dressed in a tux.

That’s right, there was a wedding today. He got married. I push that thought aside and straighten.

“Not this time.”

“But it’s John. Something happened at his brother’s house, right? I want to help. Let me go.”

“No,” he barks and turns to leave.

“Hey, what the hell? Isn’t this what you guys are training us for? Let me go. I can help.”

Nate spins on his heels and moves to get into my face. “I’m telling you no because these assholes could be connected to the ones that we saved your ass from. You’re a wild card, Roni. You listen to no one and your temper is all over the fucking place.

“John will be there, and his brothers’ wives and their children need to be his focus. Not you. I can’t guarantee that so, no. You can’t go. Let the team do their job,” he bellows.

I fight the tears that threaten to spill. I want to go even more now that I know those bastards could be there. I ball my fists and bite back my anger.

Nate sighs. “Listen, Roni. This is for the best.”

“Yeah, whatever.” I turn and walk away.

Chapter 29

So Close


“John, what’s your status?” my father’s voice comes over the com.

“Keeping the southside clear. I’m the only one left standing. Do you need me to come to you?”

“No, I have the northside secure.”

At that moment the doors to the warehouse burst open and two guys rush out. I don’t even think twice before putting them both down. The feminine screams that come once both men hit the ground draw my attention.

I narrow my eyes on the entrance and find a brunette peeking her head out. My mind goes to Roni. These are the same guys that took her and her friends. It’s a long shot. It’s been over a year and a half, but maybe, just maybe her friend is here.

Rushing forward, I wave the girls to me. Three step out, all shaking like leaves. I scan the area to see if there are any more. My heart sinks in defeat when I find none. The pale faces of these three assure me that I’ve not found Roni’s friend.

More shots ring out from inside, drawing my attention. “Let’s move,” I say to the girls. I need to get them to cover. “Dad, I have three girls here. They all seem to be in shock.”

“Get them in a car and go. We have this. Get them to safety. I don’t want any of these fuckers escaping and grabbing one of them like last time. Go.”

I hesitate for only a moment. However, as the gun fire dies down, I know the team has this. I pull my earpiece from my ear as I usher the girls into one of the waiting SUVs. Noting that one girl is limping and has blood dripping down her leg, I pick up the pace.

I tear off my shirt to tie around the wound before I rush to the driver’s seat and take off. With one last glance in the rearview as I drive off, I grind my teeth. My gut tells me there were answers back there.

However, my training tells me I need to get this girl some help and I follow my training. Pulling up the number I need, I arrange for a meet and stitch.


“Dad, I’m sending a package your way,” the tall guy with the golden eyes says as he moves toward me. I’m curled in a ball, not sure what’s going on. One minute I was in the office with Iosif shouting for me to get him something for his busted nose, the next he was dragging me out of the room by my hair.

I look to Iosif. The guy shot him. I’m so numb with shock, I don’t think that fact has registered with my brain yet. I wish I were the one that pulled Copyright 2016 - 2024