Brothers Black 7 - Blue Saffire Page 0,157

saw, what that little boy Sammy meant by yes to all.

At once, Tasha, Val, and I move to the center of the room, revealing the powerhouse we are. The links that have been moving together all this time. I look them in the eyes one by one and nod. We then turn to LaSalle.

“It looks like you have your general. I’m claiming my seat at the table.”


Come to Collect


Fourteen years later…

Jordan Black is the prettiest girl in school. She’s also the smartest and the nicest. She’s never makes me feel dirty or poor like the other kids.

“Get out of the way, spaz,” one of the older kids snarls as he pushes me into the lockers.

One of these days I’m going to be strong and I’m going to kick all of their asses. I hate them all, all except for Jordan. I smile as I watch her in the courtyard of our school, surrounded by her friends.

Friends that would never welcome me into their conversation, let alone their space. That’s why I’m waiting. My hands are growing sweaty as I watch them and pray she comes this way soon.

My heart begins to race when she turns my way and smiles. I slowly smile back, not sure if she’s smiling at me at first. When she waves, my heart feels like it might explode.

Looking around to see if she’s waving at someone else, I smile wider when I turn and wave back. She turns to her friends and says something before she grabs her backpack and starts over toward me. I lick my dry lips and start to fidget with my shirt sleeves.

It’s pretty hot for the long sleeves, but I have my reasons for wearing them. I tug at the front of my shirt and wiggle a little as the fabric and sweat stick to my body. Being nervous isn’t helping my situation.

Then she stops a foot away with that bright smile on her pretty face. Her golden eyes light up with it. She’s so pretty. Her springy dark curls are thick and frame her heart shaped face. Her brown skin glows like polished bronze and she always smells so nice.

I’m already six feet tall so I tower over her at what’s probably five feet. I love the way she looks up at me. I’ve imagined so many times holding her hand as we walk the hallways.

“Hey Weston,” she says and all I can do is stand here like an idiot.

I wipe my hands on my jeans and her gaze drops to the action. Her lashes are so long they fans across her cheeks. Cheeks that have been losing the chubby plumpness they had when we were in elementary.

She reaches into the pocket of her backpack and pulls out a pack of tissues and holds them out to me. “My palms get sweaty sometimes too. Mom always gives me a couple of packs of these. Here, you can have these,” she says when she holds them out and looks back up to meet my eyes.

I reach out nervously and take them. “Thanks.”

“No problem.”

“Um… I was waiting for you. Our science project. Um… We’re supposed to work on it together.”

“Oh right,” she says, her eyes growing wide. “I totally forgot about that. The flood in the library made it slip my mind. I’m headed to my family’s office. We can work down in the gym if you like.”

“Um… I can’t. I’m supposed to head straight home after school.” I don’t mention that I’m already late and hope to God I get there before I get into trouble.

“Oh, no problem. I’ll call my mom. She should be cool with me coming to your place to work. After all, this thing is due at the end of the week,” she says and rolls her eyes.

I go to tell her that’s a bad idea, but the thought of spending time with her causes me to keep my mouth shut. I look around for her cousins. None of them are in sight. They’re never dicks to me like some of the other kids, but they aren’t what I would call my friends either.

The Blacks have a clique of their own. They’re the cool kids on campus and the guys will kick your ass for fucking with one of their girl cousins or sisters. I’m not in the mood to get my ass kicked today.

Jordan follows my gaze and giggles. “Don’t worry. The guys already took off for the gym at Black and Lock. It’s training day Copyright 2016 - 2024