Brothers Black 7 - Blue Saffire Page 0,156

said not to. This has to play out a certain way. LaSalle needs to finish the night exactly as planned, but we need to be there. Shit has us all freaked out, but I’ve heard what Sammy’s capable of so we’re getting on the plane.”

“Okay, I’ll see if I can get us a chopper. It will be faster once you land,” I say, thinking aloud. “I’ll be there when you guys arrive at the airport.”

“See you in a bit,” Wyatt says and hangs up.

“What’s going on?” Roni says.

I drag a hand down my face. “It seems Sammy’s called in the cavalry for his dad,” I say and knot my brows.

“I’ll call Val.”

“No, don’t. We’re not supposed to interfere with this,” I say and shake my head. I can’t believe I’m going to fly blindly into this according to a kid’s word, but I am.

“I’ll get dressed,” Roni says.

“Baby, you should stay here.”

“Yeah, okay, right, babe.”

I glare at her the entire time as she climbs from the bed to get ready to head out once my family arrives. “So much for submitting,” I mutter.

She saunters back over to me. “You can’t have all the things all the time,” she says with a smile and kisses my lips. “That’s a five-hour flight, come shower with me.”

“I should cuff you to the bed,” I say as I get up.

“You want to try for another baby. I don’t advise that. Besides, I want to see that kid in action.”

“You and me both.”


“Will you look at this. They look like roaches,” I mutter as our enemies come into sight.

We come in hot as we land on LaSalle’s property. They’re lighting the house up from inside and out. I frown and jump out of the chopper with my gun blazing. I’m working with muscle this time. Noah has brought in the big boys.

“Let’s make this fast. We all have shit to do,” Wyatt barks into the com.

“Judging from that rock, John has some celebrating to do. Let’s get Roni tied back up to his bed,” Ry replies.

I shake my head, but I don’t stop firing. “Head in the game and out of my fucking business asshat,” John’s voice is the next one I hear.

I ignore them all. My girls are at that house. Tasha texted to give me a heads up that they were about to be under attack. She probably thought she was sending me a warning for the girls in L.A.

“I still can’t believe the kid was able to warn us,” Brax says as if reading my thoughts.

“Thank God, he did,” I say as I air out a handful of motherfuckers.

“Looks like things are slowing down inside. I’m still trying to hack their comms to let them know friendly fire is coming in,” Felix says.

“Man, fuck this,” Toby grumbles as he goes in.

He starts to clear a path as me and John keep close to each other and do the same. Brax and Ry are the first to get close to the back door and block it as we all form around our targets and box them in. We finish them off right as the lights come back up.

Felix must get through to the other’s comm as his next words aren’t meant for our team. “Y’all can relax. This is Felix. We’re here for back up. That kid is amazing, by the way.”

My mind takes me back to the wedding. Sammy had been what, two? However, even then he was trying to tell me something. I’ve heard about his mother’s gift.

I sigh, knowing that I can no longer war with the conversation I had with LaSalle only a few weeks ago in Ireland. Placing my gun over my shoulder with one hand, I brush at my black slacks and blue dress shirt with the other. Straightening my shoulders and lifting my head, I walk into the house behind the others.

“You know this has only begun,” Uri says. “It is time to make them Hush. I will handle it from here. It is time the hitters step in.”

“Yeah, but not before everyone around here comes clean,” LaSalle says as looks in Misha’s direction.

Misha looks at his nails and ignores LaSalle as he picks his fingernails with one of his blades. LaSalle shakes his head. “Don’t worry about me. Worry about answer you need from her.” Misha points his blade at me.

As he does, his words seal my fate and I accept what they mean. This is who I’ve always been. This is what Val really Copyright 2016 - 2024