Broken Knights (Gifted Academy #4) - Michelle Hercules Page 0,87

the man she had fallen in love with. When she found out, she was heartbroken, and the rage consumed her.”

The vision I had of Daisy and Bryce linked to some mysterious people from the past comes to the forefront of my mind, and with it, the certainty that Bryce is a descendant of the Idol Magia loved.

“Bryce Kent is related to that Idol,” I say.

“Yes. He is.” Eris lets out a loaded sigh. “Chaos’s meddling cost their relationship. He loves to see his family suffer. That’s why he killed Magia’s father too.”

I narrow my eyes. “Let me guess: that’s why you’re hell-bent on getting in his way.”

She smiles in a chilling manner. “Naturally. I’m Strife; I wouldn’t be helping to bring peace to the world if it wasn’t to hurt that son of a bitch.”

“So, gods can fall for mortals,” I mutter.

She tilts her head to the side. “Of course we can. Where do you think all those demigods and Idols come from? It isn’t always about lust, you know?”

“Hmm.” I gaze into the distance.

“You’re still in love with Daisy, even if you’re a little numb to the feeling. You’re adjusting to your powers, and they’ve taken over completely. Once you get used to them, you’ll be back by her side in the blink of an eye.”

I should feel relief, but the only emotion churning in my chest is the all-consuming desire for retaliation.

“Right now, all I care about is destroying every source of lightning-glass in the world, starting with the one below us.”

“Why would you want to destroy them? Magia created them so Norms and Fringes could protect themselves from Idols.”

“Her intentions were good, but unfortunately, once Norms and Fringes have a taste of power, they want everything for themselves. Humanity is rotten regardless of which side they’re on.”

“Chaos’s prison is weakening. If the war keeps raging, he’ll be set free, and then there won’t be a world for any of the races.”

“It’s why I have to destroy him first.”

“He’s a god, Morpheus. Even bound to the island, he’s still more powerful than you. Our father couldn’t take him down, and he tried several times.”

“But Magia’s sacrifice weakened him, didn’t it? It’s what tethered him to the island.”

“How do you know that?”

“A hunch.” I shrug, not wanting to get into details about the bits of information Chaos let slip during our interactions. “Why else would he be obsessed with killing Daisy?”

“Good hunch.”

“What about the prophecy that Daisy and Bryce can create a God-killer? Is that true?”

Eris grimaces and then tries to hide it, but too late. “The prophecy was a mistake.”

“I don’t follow.”

“Do you want to destroy shit or what?” she tries to change the subject.

“I want you to tell me the truth, Eris. Can Daisy and Bryce create the God-killer?”

“Yes.” She crosses her arms. “Yes, they can. But the Fates didn’t tell me how.”

I frown. “The Fates?”

“Shortly after Magia’s mortal life ended, I made a mistake and went to see them. All gods know not to mess with those psychos, but I was grieving and not thinking straight.”

“What happened?”

“What do you think happened? They sealed Daisy and Bryce’s fate with this insane destiny by creating the prophecy of the God-killer.”

“According to the lore, whatever destiny the Fates give to someone can’t be altered, but it usually has terrible consequences for the bearer. What’s going to happen to Daisy and Bryce?” My voice rises, sounding like thunder.

“I don’t know. No one does.”

The shadows manifest, circling around me like a dark tornado. The rage in my core expands at the speed of light. I want to wreak havoc in the world, destroy everything in sight. And I’ll start right now. I zap downward, piercing through the miasma with ease. I sense Eris is following me, which means Chaos could have done the same if he hadn’t been stuck on that island of horrors.

It’s the middle of the day, so the miners are working at full speed in the cave. I come by the camp’s administration building first, and the first person I recognize is Artex, giving orders to men dressed in dark uniforms to load a truck with several wooden crates. I know exactly what is in those boxes. More lightning-glass weapons. I also notice there are way more people in the camp than before. The parking lot is full, and there are several tents near the bungalows.

My first act as avenging demigod is to strike every single soldier down below with mind-shattering fear. They drop the boxes they were Copyright 2016 - 2024