Broken Knights (Gifted Academy #4) - Michelle Hercules Page 0,86

glance at the mess that’s trickling down my legs. “Bryce!”


“Look!” I point at it. “What the hell happened to the condom?”

He glances at his dick, which is still at half mast but also bare save for the ring of rubber around the base. “It broke.”

“How could it break?” My voice rises to a pitch, ringing around us.

“Shhh. Do you want to draw everyone here?” he hisses.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck. This can’t be happening.” I pull my hair back, yanking at the strands. Then I begin to jump in place.

“What are you doing?”

“Helping gravity.”

“Do you think that will work?”

“I don’t know, Bryce. I’m freaking out here, can’t you see?” I grab my discarded shirt from the floor and clean myself to the best of my ability.

Bryce steps closer and takes the shirt from my hand. “Let me help you.”

He drops to his knees and runs the cloth up my legs, sending tingles down my spine. Damn it. I’m not supposed to get aroused when there could be millions of sperm traveling up to my womb.

“Maybe I could lick it clean,” he says with a smile.

I hit his shoulder. “Bryce, come on. This is serious.”

His grin wilts to nothing, and finally his expression reflects our predicament. He unfurls from his crouch, looking incredibly guilty. “I’m sorry, Daisy.”

“You didn’t do this on purpose, did you?”

He quirks both eyebrows. “Of course not. How can you even ask?”

I shake my head, dropping my gaze to his neck. “Shit. I know you wouldn’t do it. It’s almost like we jinxed ourselves by talking about making a God-killer.”

“Maybe we did.” He steps back, running his hand through his hair. “Or maybe we have zero control over our lives, and this was supposed to happen.”

I hear voices just outside, and that prompts me into getting dressed. There’s nothing we can do about our situation in this moment. Bryce offers me his shirt since mine is unwearable now.

“Daisy?” Ellen calls from the entrance.

“Hey, Ellen.”

“And Bryce. I’m not going to ask. I just came by to let you know that Xavier is looking for you, and he doesn’t seem happy.”

Crap. “Okay. Thanks.”

Her silhouette disappears from the door, but before I can take a step forward, Bryce takes my hand, halting me. “I want you to know that whatever happens, I’m here. We’ll face it together.”

Tears fill my eyes as several emotions compete for space in my chest. I’m remorseful for accusing him of tampering with the condom, afraid we did make a god-killing baby tonight, and filled with unmeasurable joy that this amazing guy loves me so much.

I rise on my tiptoes to kiss him softly on the lips. “I know. But first, we might have to face my pissed-off uncle.”



With my unrestrained demigod powers, arriving at my destination took a mere thought. Eris, my half sister, tagged along, but I could have come without her. I returned to the Church of the Bold and the Fearless camp to take care of loose ends. Those motherfuckers tricked us, tried to kill us. They deserve what’s coming for them. From my vantage point, I can see the miasma surrounding the area, but I can’t glimpse past the smog. However, the discomfort I felt when I was inside the cave isn’t present now.

“Why did you bring me here?” Eris asks.

“There are very wicked people down there who deserve punishment.”

“Oh, you’re taking the wrathful god approach?”

“When it comes to those people, yes.”

“I love that you’re fully embracing your dark side, brother.” She scrunches up her nose. “But this place reeks!”

She’s right. The miasma does have a smell. I didn’t notice before, but maybe it’s because I wasn’t a true demigod yet.

“You know why that’s the case?” I quirk an eyebrow.

She slings her arm over her nose and glowers at me. “Obviously. I may be your half sister, Morpheus, but I’m a full-fledged god, not a halfling like you. There’s a lightning-glass reserve down there. One of Magia’s last acts of rebellion before she turned her back on her legacy.”

“What do you mean?”

“Magia was a difficult child, stubborn as hell. I should know, I gave birth to the brat. She hated the way Idols treated Norms and Fringes, so I gave her the power to unmake them.”

“She wasn’t born with it?” My eyes widen.

“No. She did use her gift to punish Idols who misbehaved, giving me great pride. But Chaos soon set his eyes on her, wanted to use her to further his wicked games of war. He tricked her into unmaking innocent Idols, including Copyright 2016 - 2024