Broken Knights (Gifted Academy #4) - Michelle Hercules Page 0,70

of bitch.” He pulls out a plastic bag filled with bullets.

“Are those made of lightning-glass?” I ask.

“I’m betting they are. Fuck. These guys are not playing around. We have to get out of here.”

“I think I found something that doesn’t smell like someone died in it.” Toby returns to the main room, holding a yellowed tunic and loose brown pants.

Xavier sticks the bag with the bullets in his jacket pocket, then grabs as many daggers and flying stars as he can from the floor.

“Are you changing now?” Toby asks.

“No, let’s get—”

“Hey, are you done in there?” Phoenix asks from outside. “Harry is coming this way.”

“Shit!” Xavier puts the weapons back in the box I dislodged, deciding to take the whole package with him. “Open the door, Toby.”

Toby and I go out first on high alert. Phoenix is bouncing on the balls of his feet, filled with jittery tension as he stares ahead. I can see his powers are engaged, ready to be unleashed. Xavier stops next to me, closing the door of the trailer with his new powers.

“Are we still invisible to the world?” he asks.

“Yes. But we need to stick together.”

We move as fast as we can, and when Harry finally reaches the door of his trailer, we’re already near our bungalow. I hope he doesn’t notice one of his boxes is missing. Hopefully he won’t see anything is amiss in that mess.

I don’t dare to breathe easily until we’re inside. Everyone is here, and the room feels much smaller.

“What do you have there?” Bryce points at the box in Xavier’s hand.

“Weapons.” He pulls the plastic bag from his jacket, setting it on top of the box. “And bullets. It seems they weren’t difficult to manufacture after all.”

“Lightning-glass bullets?” Jodie arches both eyebrows, moving closer to the bag.

“Yes, Jodie. But don’t get any ideas. I’m not giving you any,” Xavier retorts.

“Why did Mr. Silverstone believe they were difficult to mass produce?” Daisy asks.

“I believe he’s been lied to,” Xavier replies. “More and more, I suspect the members of this church don’t want equality at all. They want all Idols gone, either by the stripping off their powers or death.”

“That’s horrible,” Felicity mumbles. “We can’t go from one oppressing race to another.”

“We won’t. Not if I have anything to say about it.” Daisy curls her hands into fists, getting into warrior mode. Damn, I love this side of her. I’d pull her into my arms and kiss her senseless, but now is not the time for bold, romantic gestures.

“What’s next?” Rufio asks.

“We head to the main building and pretend we’re going there to eat. It will give us a chance to scope out the parking area,” Xavier explains.

“And then what? Fight and flee?” Rosie asks.

“I’d like to avoid a confrontation. It will most likely draw attention we don’t need,” he says. “Now, can I please have some privacy while I change into my disguise?”

When no one moves a muscle, he makes a circular motion in the air with his hand. “Turn around.”

“Oh, sorry,” Felicity says, getting red-faced.

Xavier’s transformation doesn’t take that long, maybe two minutes tops, including the change of clothes.

“Okay, I’m ready. How do I look?”

I turn and can’t help dropping my jaw. “Son of a bitch.”

“Holy fucking shit!” Phoenix exclaims. “What kind of power is that?”

“Xavier is a Morph. A rare ability, but quite handy,” Jodie replies with an air of arrogance.

“Okay, stop gawking already.” Xavier looks at Toby and me. “Let’s get this shit show over with. Besides the stench, these clothes itch like crazy.”

“What should we do with these weapons?” Renata asks.

“Divide them among yourselves, but no bullets for Jodie.”

“You’re beginning to piss me off, Xavier.” She glowers at him.

“Beginning? Damn, I guess I’m not doing a good job, then.”

With a clench of her jaw, she turns to the others. “Careful not to cut yourselves with the sharp blades. I don’t have the antidote for lightning-glass poison with me.”

As we predicted, the parking lot area is heavily guarded. There are at least six big fellows standing at attention, all carrying visible guns that I now know are loaded with bullets that can end my friends. I don’t know what being hit by one will do to me, but I’m not about to volunteer for a test. I’m not immune to the fumes in the cave, so I have to assume those bullets will also hurt me.

Xavier stops before they see us and turns to Toby. “Any information you can pick up from those men, now is Copyright 2016 - 2024