Broken Knights (Gifted Academy #4) - Michelle Hercules Page 0,69

go,” Xavier replies.

“I’ll call my mother,” Morpheus says. “She has connections in the Fringe community.”

“They confiscated my phone before they allowed me into the camp, but…” Mom bends over, and retrieves a small device attached to her ankle and hidden under her pants. “I came prepared.”

Morpheus quickly takes the phone from her hands, but a string of curses follows.

“What is it?” Daisy asks.

“There’s no service.”

“What? That’s impossible. That should work in the most remote areas. It’s a satellite phone.”

“It’s the miasma. I bet it’s interfering with the connection,” Toby chimes in.

Xavier exhales loudly, resting his hands on his hips. “I guess we’ll have to call her after we get away from here.”



I follow Xavier’s line of sight, catching him staring at Harry and Artex’s trailer. “They didn’t go that way.”

“No, but I need to borrow some clothes from Harry first.”

“What for?” Phoenix asks. “Even if you had a wig and fake beard, you couldn’t pass for the man.”

Daisy grimaces, fleetingly glancing at Jodie first before switching her attention to Xavier.

“Don’t you get your panties twisted in a bunch, Daisy. I know about his secret,” Jodie deadpans.

“I’ll explain how I plan to disguise myself as Harry later. Toby and Morpheus, you two come with me. Everyone else should return to their bungalows and stay put.”

“What about the miners we left in the forest?” Felicity glances in the mountain’s direction.

“It’d be nice if one of you could scramble minds, change memories,” Rosie says, surprising me.

“Mind alteration is forbidden, against the law,” Jodie replies.

“That didn’t stop Dad from using Sweepers to save my ass,” Rufio retorts bitterly.

“There’s no sense wishing for something we don’t have. Let’s get going before the brothers return. The plan is to be far away from this place when those miners are discovered.” Xavier steps forward.

Toby follows him, but I stop briefly to talk to Daisy. “Are you okay?”

“I will be once we’re on the road. I can’t believe they turned out to be evil like that. Is there anyone we can count on?”

“You can count on us.” I glance in Jodie’s direction. “Well, most of us.”

Our former principal narrows her eyes to slits but doesn’t offer a retort to my barb. She really can’t say anything in her defense that won’t sound like a half-baked excuse.

Daisy pecks me on the cheek, making me forget the woman in an instant. I’d grab her face for a proper kiss on the mouth, but Xavier and Toby are almost at the trailer. “I’ll be back.”

I hurry after them using my Idol speed—not the supersonic, bodiless demigod kind. I’ll save that for emergency situations.

“All right. What are we doing here?” I ask once I stop next to them.

“Can you use your gift to conceal us? I don’t want anyone to know what we’re up to.”


I barely need to concentrate to bring forth my shadows. In the blink of an eye, they cover the three of us, concealing us completely from curious glances. “It’s done.”

Xavier tries the door, finding it locked.

“Maybe we should have asked Phoenix to tag along too. He would be able to open that for us,” Toby says.

“No need. I can do it,” Xavier replies.

A second later, we hear the lock turn.

“Have you always possessed telekinesis, or is that a new perk from Bryce’s work on you?” I ask.

“A new perk. I’ve never wished to be an Idol, but I can’t complain.” He opens the door slowly, maybe afraid there’s an alarm or booby trap. We know there’s no one inside.

I’m the last one in, closing the door softly. “Phew. It reeks in here.”

“Are you surprised?” Toby scrunches his nose in disgust as he peruses the messy interior. The small kitchen sink is full of dirty dishes, and there are piles of trash and clothes scattered everywhere. “This place is a pigsty.”

“You said you need clothes, right?” I lift one garment that I could have mistaken for a burlap sack. It’s so dirty, it’s stiff.

Xavier covers his face with his arm. “God, I’ll throw up if I have to wear that. Let’s look for something less filthy.”

“Maybe he keeps his clean clothes in a closet.” Toby veers toward the end of the trailer where a small bunk bed is pushed against the wall.

“If there is one,” I mumble to myself.

I knock into some boxes, sending them to the floor. Several lightning-glass daggers and flying stars spill from one of them. “No clothes, but these could come in handy.”

“Let me see that.” Xavier picks up the box and searches inside. “Son Copyright 2016 - 2024