The Brightest Night (Origin #3) - Jennifer L. Armentrout Page 0,169

look. “You are this alien hybrid who can blow up a house, but you’re afraid of a protein shake full of vitamins.”

I nodded.

Her lips thinned. “It’s really not that bad. Kat loves it.”

“Kat also just had a baby.”


I sighed, taking the glass. “Fine.”

“Great.” She bit down on her lip, staring at me. “Try it. Come on. You can do it.”

Lifting the glass, I didn’t even attempt to smell it as I took a tiny sip—

“Drink like you mean it.”

“I am!”

“That is not a real drink. You need to take a drink like it’s your first spring break.”

That made me snort, but I took a real drink, and the moment my tongue hit the thick, uneven mixture, my gag reflex woke up.

“It’s good, right?” she asked.

Not wanting to hurt her feelings, I forced myself to swallow and then spent several precious seconds willing myself not to vomit. Only when I was sure I wasn’t going to throw up on her, I said, “It’s, um, different.”

Her lip curled. “You don’t know what’s good for you.” She snatched the glass back. “But I guess you really don’t need vitamin and protein shakes, do you?”

I watched her down half the glass. “Thank God.”

Still drinking, she slid me a sideways look.

“I bet you had a great spring break,” I said.

She stopped long enough to say, “I don’t remember most of them, so I’m going to go with a hell yeah.”

I glanced out the front windows, feeling the shivery awareness along the back of my neck. I spotted Grayson and tensed. I hadn’t felt him at all today, but I now knew he’d been around, staying far enough away that I didn’t feel him. Which was mildly irritating.

I still had no idea what to make of what Luc had said before he’d left or my conversation with Grayson last night. I also wondered if Grayson ever slept.

“Oh Lord, here comes my most favorite person in the world,” Viv grumbled, and I barely squelched my laugh as he walked in. “To whom or what do we owe the pleasure of your visit, Sir Grayson?”

Grayson arched a brow. “I doubt you find any pleasure from my visits.”

“Nuh-uh,” she replied about as convincing as a kid with their hand shoved into a cookie jar.

That ultrabright blue gaze slid from her to me. “I have news.”

I sat up straight. “About?”

“I just heard that a group arrived. One of them is a human female with extremely bright red hair.”

Jumping from the stool, I was sure my heart had stopped. “It’s Heidi? Emery?”

“Unless you know of some other red-haired human girl that I would come tell you about, then I’m assuming yes.”

“Oh my God.” I spun toward Viv. “I’m sorry to do this, but can I—”

“It’s totally cool. Go!” Viv shooed me, waving her hands. “Get out of here.”

I whirled around to Grayson, nearly consumed with happiness and relief. “Where are they?”

“At the entry house.”

“Thank you.”

I didn’t wait for his response—for anything else. I ran out the door, crossing the parking lot, and then I really picked up speed, knowing exactly where I was going. I ran as fast I had when I’d raced Luc. Wind tugged at my ponytail, tore at my clothing. I knew I was moving fast, but I could feel the presence of a Luxen close. Grayson was following.

I cut through the wooded area, not thinking about the last time I’d been there. In less than a minute, I was rushing past the two patches of disturbed earth that had been left behind when I’d sucked Grayson and Luc down into the ground.

Slowing down so I didn’t burst through a wall, I bounded up the steps and in through the open door. I probably should’ve called out or something, because barging into anyone’s house was rude, but my heart was thumping against my ribs as I heard voices—male voices and a softer, feminine one.

I stepped into the dining room and got a quick glimpse of the table, but I had to look away. It looked normal now. A white tablecloth covered it, and for one morbid second, I wondered if Spencer’s blood had stained it.

Pushing the thought aside, I followed the voices into the kitchen. My extra-special senses were firing off. There was a dark-haired Luxen male standing just inside, the rainbow aura briefly blurring his features. A fainter buzz signaled a hybrid was also nearby, but it was the vibrant crimson hair I zeroed in on.

“Heidi!” I cried out.

She spun toward me, a smile breaking out across Copyright 2016 - 2024