The Brightest Night (Origin #3) - Jennifer L. Armentrout Page 0,168

prescribe medication that could do more harm than good.”

“That’s got to be hard knowing that there may be something serious and not being able to do anything.”

“There are a few things we can do.” Viv toed herself around. “Last year, we suspected that one of the guys had cancer. He’d had it before, and all his symptoms pointed toward a cancer of the pancreas or liver, and that’s something we can’t treat here. We offered to escort him out to one of our outposts. We’d provide him with identification and some money. Without insurance, it would be a crapshoot, but it was still something.”

“Did he take it?”

Viv gave me a tight-lipped smile. “No. I’ll never forget this, but he’d said he knew all the treatment in the world wouldn’t make a difference and that he would rather stay here. We can’t force anyone, and something like the pancreas doesn’t show recognizable symptoms until it’s often too late. He was right. In less than a month, he was gone. Treatment might’ve extended his life, but it might not have been the best extra months given to him.”

Heaviness settled over me, but I didn’t have long to dwell on it. Another person came through the door, holding a blood-soaked handkerchief to his hand.

For a moment, I thought the dude might bleed to death right there, but come to find out, fingers just tended to bleed a lot. The guy only required five stitches. He didn’t really say much to me beyond hello. The same went for the second man who needed his palm closed, having sliced it open helping repair a roof. A shot of lidocaine and a rather neat row of stitches later, he was out the door, replaced by what turned out to be a toothache, a case of indigestion, a bout of possible kidney stones, and what Viv believed to be an upset stomach.

“How do you know what to diagnose these people with?” Curiosity had gotten the best of me. “Not that I doubt what you’re coming up with, but kidney stones? Indigestion?”

“I’m a mind reader,” she teased. “Actually, you saw all those books back there? I’ve read every possible diagnostic manual I could get my hands on. I’ve been right for the most part.” Her nose wrinkled. “Well, except for that one time.”

“Do tell.”

She laughed. “The woman was complaining of an upset stomach, vomiting, and fatigue. I asked all the standard questions. What have you eaten? When was your last period? Does it get better before or after food? Yada, yada. Nothing there to give me any indication of what could be happening other than just a stomach issue. A few weeks later, she came back with the same complaint, but she’d gained a little bit of weight. I asked her again about her period, but that time, she said she couldn’t remember.”

I started to grin.

“One pee-on-a-stick test later, we knew she was pregnant. So, that time wasn’t my fault.”

I laughed. “Well, I could see how it would be hard to keep track of months here.”

“That woman was like five months pregnant. How do you forget not having your period for five months?”

My eyes widened. “Good point.”

“Damn straight.”

Looking out the window, I watched several men and women carry baskets into the backs of the stalls. “Can I ask you something?”


“Is it normal that the people here aren’t exactly warm and friendly with new people?” I asked. “Or is it because I blew up a house?”

“Oh, everyone here is pretty wary of just about anyone.” She lifted her brows. “And because you blew up a house, can you blame them?”

“No,” I said and laughed.

“They’ll warm up to you.” Reaching over, she patted my arm. “Especially if you don’t blow up any more houses.”

“I’ll try not to.”

“Just don’t try so hard that you end up not doing what needs to be done when it needs to be done.” She rose. “I need a protein boost. And I have the perfect drink for you to try out.”

Fifteen minutes later, I found myself staring at what Viv referred to as her Lunch of Champions, which was a concoction of raw veggies, some sort of powder she swore wasn’t expired, and fresh milk. It looked like green slime. Green slime that had thrown up green slime.

I was this close to telling her about the children in the city when she took a huge gulp and then offered the glass. “Try it. It’s not bad.”

“Uh. I think I’ll pass.”

She pinned me with an arched Copyright 2016 - 2024