The Breeding Prize - Aya Morningstar Page 0,24

Raiska’s legs.

What the fuck.

It’s definitely a dick—an absolutely huge one—but I thought it was going to be blue. It’s not blue, it’s all of those impossible colors. The colors of his scythe and the orb and the colors that the rapey aliens also had on them when they used their powers. I watch, transfixed, for several breaths as the colors shift and move, and when I’m convinced that I’m actually seeing what I’m seeing and not hallucinating, I let the blanket fall back down.

I roll over so my back is facing him, and I close my eyes.

Now I’m really not going to be able to get to sleep.



I wake up with my cock harder than it’s ever been. My balls hurt. I had incredibly vivid dreams, and now that I’ve woken up, they do not seem to be fading.

I look over and see her sleeping softly. She’s facing me. She’s close, yet so far away.

She’s not ready yet for me to take her. I wasn’t lying to her when I told her I could read her. I also wasn’t lying when I told her I cannot take an unwilling mate.

Still, my Valittu cock is hard and leaking so much extra-dimensional light that it nearly blinds me to look at it. It’s craving a mate, and it’s ready to form a bond.

I’ll have to work hard to convince her that I am worthy to put my seed inside of her. She seems hesitant at the prospect of me being the father to her children. I need to show her that I am not only able to protect her and keep her safe, but that I would be the kind of father she wants for her children.

I should have asked her more questions about this on our date last night. I had them on my list, but the kiss happened, and I didn’t ask any questions after that.

Now we have to meet Kula and Ellie for breakfast.

Ellie contacted us while we were on our date, but I didn’t see the message until we got back.

She must feel guilty for kicking us out. Not guilty enough that she invited us to her home for breakfast. Instead we are meant to meet at Kula’s restaurant.

There’s a pounding on the door.

“Are you ready, half-brother?” he shouts through the door.

I’m standing up, completely naked. My cock is pointing skyward. The knocking wakes Annabelle, and she immediately looks over at me.

I’m not embarrassed. In fact, I want her to see how large I am, and how hard she made me.

“Good morning, little human,” I say.

She puts her hands over her eyes. “Good morning. Are you going to get dressed?”

“Do you have any questions for me?”

“Why is it those colors?”

“My penis is a tool for bonding on the higher dimensions, and it leaks light from those dimensions. The colors are pulsing due to my arousal.”

“Okay,” she says, hands still tight over her eyes. “You want to get dressed now?”

Kula pounds on the door again. “Raiska!”

“We are late for our breakfast appointment.”

“Go get dressed, Raiska.”

When we reach the lobby, Kula is pacing back and forth.

“You’re late!” Kula says. “Ellie is already mad at me because of you, brother, don’t make it worse.”

“I have a human female with me,” I say. “You know how long they take.”

Annabelle does the rolling eye thing at me. “You realize I can hear you, right?”

“You like when I am obnoxious, human, and you also cannot deny that it took you well over twenty minutes to get ready.”

“Twenty minutes is fast for a human woman, brother. Consider yourself lucky.”

“I can hear you too, Kula,” she says.

“I am arguing in your favor,” Kula says. “Do not repeat this to my Muru, but it takes her at least an hour to get ready in the morning, and that is with me rushing her.”

“See,” Annabelle says, “I’m not so bad.”



“Perhaps I am just better at rushing my human,” Raiska says, grabbing hold of my waist and pulling me against his body.

I try to shove him, but I can’t move someone his size. “You’re taking credit for rushing me?”

“Careful, brother,” Kula says. “Human women are stubborn, she will get ready even slower next time to prove you wrong.”

When we arrive at the restaurant, Ellie is waiting. She smiles and waves, and Kula runs up and hugs her. He puts his hand on her belly and beams with pride. “How is the little one?”

“Good. Kicking pretty hard. The baby is ready to come out.”

Kula offers us seats, and I go Copyright 2016 - 2024