Breaking Stars - J. Sterling Page 0,27

clouds back in his eyes, it occurred to me why I’d held information back from him. He ran so hot and cold that I didn’t know what to expect from him, and I’d only known him for half a day! But when he touched me, I almost melted right into him. One simple touch from this guy, and I was drooling like a schoolgirl. I really needed to get out more.

Colin was beginning to feel like a distant memory as Tatum demanded all of my mental energy and focus without even trying. I was so caught up in his general hotness that it was all I could see. Of course I was still hurting over Colin, but being out of Los Angeles seemed to help tremendously. There was true peace in being let out of the cage. I would have never known this kind of serenity existed if I hadn’t run away.

A subtle ping redirected my focus back to the computer. A new e-mail from Quinn appeared and I clicked on it, already smiling before I read its contents.

What’s a Tatum and is it hot? And before you ask, YES, that’s all I got from your e-mail. :)

I laughed out loud before glancing back at Tatum, who watched me with an eyebrow raised as I typed out a quick response.

Tatum’s the guy who owns the mechanic shop. And had I known that guys like this existed outside of LA, I might have left a long time ago. Ha!

“Who are you chatting with?” His voice startled me, sending chills shooting through me, but I willed myself to stay calm.

“My best friend, Quinn,” I responded without turning around.

“What are you two girls talking about?” he teased, but I was too embarrassed to admit the truth.

“Just letting her know where I am. And she might have asked who you were.”

He pushed off from the couch and stood behind me as I quickly minimized the window on the computer screen, which made him whine, “I wanted to see what you wrote.”

“I bet you did,” I teased back, my earlier defenses lowering.

His breath was hot on my neck as his hands gripped the chair and brushed against my shoulders. “So, what did you say about me?”

I angled my head slightly and his face appeared in my view, way too close. Holding my breath, I said, “Nothing. Just that you were the guy who owned the shop that was fixing my car.”

“Uh-huh,” he mumbled before walking away and into the kitchen.

Reopening the computer window, I logged out of my e-mail and turned off the monitor. I stood up and headed toward the door, needing to get away from whatever this was. “I better go to bed.”

“I’ll let you know about the tire as soon as I hear back from my guy.”

I nodded. “Sounds good.”

“’Night, Paige,” he drawled, and I fought the urge to walk over to him and wrap my arms around his waist and breathe him in.

“’Night, Tatum.” I pulled the door shut behind me and stepped into the warm Southern evening, the sound of crickets serenading me as I headed back to the main house.

• • •

I woke up the next morning refreshed and relaxed. It had been a dreamless night, free of stress, deadlines, and unkind memories of Colin. The sound of birds chirping and other insect noises I’d yet to become accustomed to greeted my ears. Reaching my arms above my head, I clasped my hands together and stretched, my body popping and realigning itself with my movements. The smell of muffins wafted into my room, and my stomach growled.

Rubbing at my tummy, I tossed the covers off and hopped out of bed. It was definitely weird not having anywhere to be, anyone to call, or anyone to report to. It was one thing when I had a vacation or a short break from filming, but this felt different. Maybe it was because I ran away. Or maybe it was because I was the one making decisions for what felt like the first time in forever.

While part of me had never felt so settled (and relieved), the other part of me hated sitting still. I’d never been very good at relaxing and doing nothing, but I decided to force myself to try. I deserved this. Hell, I needed this. And all of this peace would end far too soon if I allowed it.

“Good morning, Paige. I didn’t want to wake you. I hope that was okay.” Mrs. Montgomery turned to greet me Copyright 2016 - 2024