Breaking Stars - J. Sterling Page 0,26

out of my grip. After showing her to the computer, I sulked back into my bedroom to give her space, or air, or something. Truth was, I didn’t know what the hell Paige Lockwood wanted. From me, this town, or in general, but I had a feeling I’d be willing to give her whatever it was she was looking for. Hell, I’d help her find it. And hopefully it would include her mouth pressed against mine, for starters.

Damn, it had been too long since I was this attracted to someone, let alone someone I could see on my television anytime I wanted. Was Paige Lockwood, America’s sweetheart, really in my house right now? And why wasn’t I nervous around her?

She stayed in the other room on the computer while I sat in my bedroom, avoiding her. I wondered if she was looking up the things I’d just looked up at the shop. Did she want to hear what Colin was saying about her? Was she interested in all the Paige Lockwood gossip?

I started pacing back and forth in my room like a fucking lunatic. It was the only thing I could think of to distract myself from the fact that she was about fifty feet away from me wearing what I assumed was her pajamas. The second I opened the door to see her standing in those tiny shorts and tank top, I wanted to simultaneously pull her against me and shove her right back outside.

She’d gotten snippy when I called her Princess, which made me want to call her that more often. I liked getting a rise out of her; it made me laugh.

“Princess?” I shouted at her.

“Stop calling me that,” she yelled back, and I fought back a smile.

“What are you doing online? Reading about all the people who can’t live without you?”

She sighed loud enough for me to hear, before her voice lowered. “I was just sending an e-mail to my mom and my best friend.”

There was a hint of sadness in her voice, and I wondered if I was being too hard on her. Walking from my room into the living room, I sat on the couch behind her and watched her typing.

“Did they know you were leaving?”

Paige jumped in the chair before turning around to look at me. She scanned my shirtless chest before moving to my eyes and locking on. “I told them both before I was leaving that I was going. But I didn’t know where I was heading. My mom was probably worried sick, so I wanted her to know I was safe.” She shifted uncomfortably. “I am safe, right?”

Unable to hold back a grin, I pushed up from the couch and walked straight over to her and leaned down. “Depends on your definition of safe.” I slid my thumb across her cheekbone before I could stop it. “How long are you thinking of staying, Paige?”

Her eyes squeezed shut for a second as she sucked in a silent breath. I watched as her chest moved in and out, all the while fighting the urges that came with being a guy alone in a room with a ridiculously sexy girl.

Shallow much?

Opening her eyes, she looked up at me cautiously and stuttered, “I-I…don’t know.”

“Will you leave right after your car’s fixed?” I asked, my agitation growing. I shouldn’t care at all when she planned on leaving. I shouldn’t be anywhere near a girl like Paige Lockwood, but here I was.

Here we are.

“I guess.” She shrugged. “I’m not really sure why I’d stay longer.”

Her response was like a bucket of cold water, helping me gather my wits. Feeling a little disappointed—and hating myself for it—I moved a safe distance away.

Can’t Do Anything Right


No matter what I said, it was always the wrong thing when it came to him. Tatum had asked me how long I planned to stay here, but I really had no idea. Would I leave as soon as my tire was fixed? I had no clue. But why would I stay here any longer than that?

Did he want me to?

Did I want to?

I didn’t have anywhere else to be, and I couldn’t keep driving forever. Eventually I’d have to find my way back to where I came from. And drive there. Alone. The farther I drove away, the farther I had to drive back. Staying here for a little while might be as good an option as any. So why couldn’t I just tell him that?

When Tatum moved away from me, storm Copyright 2016 - 2024