Breakaway - Sadie Jacks Page 0,7

groaned as he flopped around on the floor. “What the fuck was that? A wrecking ball?”

I snorted. “Not nearly, Miley Cyrus. Come on. Up and at ‘em.” I reached down a hand. He grabbed my wrist, and I helped pull him to his feet.

He wobbled and weaved a bit before he opened his eyes. His dark brown irises were now a startling blue green that reminded me of the waters of the Caribbean.

I hissed out a breath. Glared at the woman. “Did you do this?”

Toven jerked back from my hard tone. “I didn’t do anything but get knocked on my ass. Why are you yelling at me?”

I shook my head. “Not you. Her.” Tipped in her direction with my head.

He turned his head, wobbled again. “So it wasn’t a dream,” he said softly.

Hollyn, if that was really her name, was still trying to rouse Thane.

Tove tipped to the side. I caught him with a curse. Helped him to the couch. “Sit here. You awake enough for some water?”

He nodded. Rubbed a hand over his face. “I feel like I’m getting off a Tilt-A-Whirl. Everything is moving and spinning in my head.”

That wasn’t the only thing going on with him,I thought as I moved to the wet bar and ran him a tumbler of water.

“Why do you say that?” he asked as he grabbed the glass from my hand.

I looked at him. “Say what? I didn’t say anything.” I cast a glance at Thane and Hollyn.

“You just said that wasn’t the only thing going on with me. I heard it clear as day.” He looked at me, his eyes narrowed. “Did you get knocked out, too?”

My eyes widened. “No. I said that in my mind. I didn’t vocalize anything.” Can you hear me now? I asked.

He nodded, his eyes wide. We can full-on talk now?

I guess. I shrugged. We’d been doing so since birth, but never this clearly.

“Finally. I was beginning to think you left me here with some kinda weird replica of you,” Hollyn said to Thane as his eyes fluttered open.

A smile twitched on his lips. “They’re not replicas. They’re my brothers. We’re triplets.”

“Oh, my stars. That’s a lot of hotness.” She lifted her hands to her cheeks. “You should probably be illegal.”

Thane laughed, a full belly laugh I haven’t heard in years. He was the serious, no nonsense one of all of us. And this woman had him laughing with his entire body.

I didn’t like her. She was going to screw up the careful life we led. The careful life we were forced to lead. She can’t stay.

Thane turned, a scowl on his face. “She can stay as long as she wants.”

My mouth dropped open. “Well, shit. You have it, too.”

Chapter 6 – Toven

I smothered the snicker that threatened to break loose at the grimace on Tag’s face. The man had a length of rebar shoved so far up his ass, I’m pretty sure it had fused to his spine by this point. He didn’t like anything to disturb his careful balance.

From what I remembered of the tall drink of water in the elevator, he was in for a rude awakening. I turned, looked over my shoulder towards the door. She was still here. Good. Anything that riled up Tag this much was most decidedly staying.

I drank down the water, pushed to my feet. I stumbled a bit as my brain was still a little wonky. “Pleased to meet you. I’m Toven.” I braced against the wall as I reached out a hand. “You know what they say, third time’s the charm.”

She snickered as she reached out and clasped my hand. Another wave of sensation washed over me. I flopped up against the wall—it was either that or flatten her under my bigger body.

She gave a small ‘eek’ and jumped back. She crashed into Thane’s reclining form.

He let out an ‘oomph’ as his hands settled at her hips. “Easy there, tiger. I need my body for later.”

She snickered as she moved. “I bet you do.” She wiggled her eyebrows.

We both burst into laughter. She was an odd one.

“Someone better fucking explain what the hell is going on,” Tag said. “Now.”

I winced. He was getting pissed if his voice sounded like a thunderstorm in the Great Plains.

Thane slid Hollyn off to his side. “Hollyn here crashed into me from the stone wall around Center Point Park.”

Tag snorted. “So she’s blind as well as homeless?”

My eyes widened. He was getting bitchy. This wasn’t good.

Hollyn stiffened, narrowed her eyes at him. Copyright 2016 - 2024