The Break-Up Psychic - By Emily Hemmer Page 0,49

from my cheeks and take a deep breath, finding the resolve that’s been eluding me. I begin to pace, trying to put maximum distance between us. If I’m going to survive this encounter unscathed, I’ve got to avoid all further contact.

Tim mirrors my movements, anticipating my attempt to flee from him. He is the lion, the modern male predator. Instead of bringing down gazelles with superior speed and strength, he brings down hapless women with model good looks and financial success. “I know you miss me too. I know you, Ellie. I know you want to get married and have kids and live in a little blue cottage out in the country. I know you wanted me to be your Prince Charming, and I messed things up.”

“Prince Charming? Ha! More like Prince Cheats A-Lot.”

“That’s not fair. It was only the one time,” he says, hands held up in meager defense.

I ball my fists at my side and stamp my foot. How dare he try to diminish his stupid cheating penis! “You, you…” I can’t think of the right words to throw at him, to make him suffer for showing up here and getting me all worked up.

I’m about to tell him to get his Armani-butt out of the apartment when he surprises me with a stealth attack. Taking advantage of my momentary stillness, he advances and scoops me up into familiar arms, bringing his lips to mine. Electricity stuns me, and my mouth opens in surprise. He sucks in my bottom lip, nipping me gently and igniting a pool of heat in my belly.

My arms turn limp at my sides and my fists relax. My eyes are heavy and they give in against my will, fluttering closed. In the back of my mind I can hear the alarm bells telling me to stop, but they’re drowned out by the feel of Tim’s hands as they roam across my back and push me into his chest. I open my mouth a fraction and he seizes the opportunity to deepen the kiss. One of my hands has somehow found its way into his hair while the other grabs the lapel of his jacket and holds on for dear life.

Tim removes his lips from mine and trails a series of soft, erotic kisses down my neck. These kisses are just as I remember them, expertly nimble with just a hint of tongue and a little bit of bite. I’m glad there are no mirrors in the living room because I’m sure the scene looks like the cover of a bad romance novel. Heroine, neck arched back, heaving bosom pressed against her lover’s eager mouth. His hair billowing out in shining manliness behind him as they consummate their love over a rugged cliff…

“Christ, babe, your tits taste like honey.”

My eyes fly open, the romantic scene vanishing as his words bring me back to my senses. “Wait, stop,” I say, trying to push him away from me.

Tim, arms still wrapped tightly around me, lifts his head from its place atop my cleavage and tries to reattach his mouth to mine. I move my head to the side and he ends up planting a wet kiss on my ear.

“Tim, stop.” I firmly push him from me and take a step back.

He looks about as dumb as I feel. I wipe my mouth with the back of my hand and try to wipe away the memory of his lips on me. What have I done?

“You need to go,” I tell him.

“Go? Two seconds ago you were all over me. Now I have to go?”

“Yes, please, just go. I can’t do this again.”

“Ellie, we can be together. You can’t deny that you want me,” he says, reaching out for me again.

I dodge away from his reach and try to steady my pounding heart. “I don’t want you,” I say, my voice shaking.

Tim straightens and once again moves close to me, the heady scent of him infiltrating my senses. I refuse to look at him, refuse to give him the satisfaction of seeing any indecision in my eyes. He lightly touches my shoulder with one finger and runs it down the length of my arm, leaving a tingling scar of confusion in its wake. I can’t stop the goose-bumps from rising, giving me away.

Tim releases a soft chuckle, confident in his ability to shake me up. “I know what you want.”

I cross my arms again and rub the place where his finger has left me feeling burned.

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