Break the Day - Lara Adrian Page 0,59

she’d come to losing Rafe.

And if Opus thought they could scare her away by torching her home tonight, all they had done was galvanize her need for vengeance into something stronger, steelier.

And now, she had a partner in that battle.

If it had to be the two of them against the rest of the world—even against the Order, if it should come down to that—she was ready for that fight. She was ready for anything, so long as Rafe was at her side.

Breaking into her grim thoughts, Tavia leaned in and kissed her cheek. “We’ll have time to talk some more after you’ve had a chance to settle in.”

Devony managed a smile. “I hope so.”

She closed the door behind the women, realizing just now how exhausted she truly was. And she smelled awful, too. All the death and violence she and Rafe had left behind in the city still clung to her jacket, turtleneck, and jeans. A bath and a fresh change of clothes were more than a temptation; they were a necessity.

She turned on the water to the large soaking tub and traded her clothing for the white silk robe Carys had given her. The cool, glossy fabric was pure decadence against her bare skin. With the warm water slowly gathering in the tub, she checked out the tall bottles of bath oil, settling on a rose-infused vanilla fragrance that smelled almost good enough to eat.

A quiet rap sounded on the door in the other room.

She hurried out, expecting to find Carys or Tavia waiting on the other side.


She flew to him. She couldn’t have stayed out of his arms if her life depended on it. He stepped inside with her wrapped in his arms, and shut the door behind them, turning the lock with his mind.

They had only been apart less than an hour since arriving at the Order’s mansion, but to her it felt like an eternity. After the night they had endured, she never wanted to be separated from him again.

“I’ve been worried,” she whispered against his lips. “How did it go?”

“I’m handling it.” He shrugged, dismissive of her concern as he continued to kiss her. “You look gorgeous in this. Smell like vanilla.”

“Carys lent me a few things. I was just about to take a bath.” Her words were all but lost amid the fevered brush of his lips over hers.

“I feel like I’ve been away from you for days.” He tipped her face up to his, a look of torment and wonder in his glittering aquamarine eyes. “Do you have any idea how much I need to feel you in my arms right now?”

Breathless with desire, she shook her head. “Show me.”

He frowned. “I’m covered in grit and grime. Christ, I smell like death.”

“Do I look like I care?”

She pulled him down for her kiss. Her fingers tangled in his hair as her tongue sought his, their hot breaths mingling, bodies crushed together, held there by his strong arms.

Devony whimpered, overcome by the flood of emotions that rushed up on her as Rafe kissed her senseless. She couldn’t explain her desperation for him. Somehow, the moment she saw him in the open doorway just now had felt so fragile—an illusion that could shatter with a single breath.

Maybe it was the havoc of the past few hours that made her feel so breakable. All of the death. So much ugliness and violence, topped off by a brutal demonstration of what it meant to make an enemy out of Opus Nostrum. And, then, the destruction of her home.

But worst of all was the stark understanding that tonight she had likely been only minutes away from losing Rafe forever, if the liquid UV had been allowed to do its worst on him.

God help her, she would never forget that awful feeling as long as she lived.

The anguish swelled inside her, a black tide of dread.

“Hey.” Rafe pulled back from their kiss, his brows knit. He gave a tight shake of his head. “Don’t think about what happened tonight.”

He knew how bleak her thoughts had gone. Of course, he knew. He could feel her strongest emotions through the blood she had given him. Now, he always would.

“Hey, look at me.” He stroked her brow, her cheek, her lips. Sparks danced and smoldered in his eyes. “I’m here. You’re safe, Devony. As long as I’m breathing, you will be safe. I promise you that. Tonight, we’re together . . . because of you.”

“Rafe.” His name was a sigh through her Copyright 2016 - 2024