Break the Day - Lara Adrian Page 0,58

going to act like you’re the first warrior to fuck things up six ways from Sunday on account of a woman.”

The sardonic remark gave him more hope than it probably should, but right now he’d take it.

Rafe rose to his feet as well. “Thank you, sir.”

“Go on, get out of here.” The Order elder gave him a frown and a dismissive wave. “Go make sure your female is all right. Be ready to meet me in the compound war room in one hour.”

“Yes, sir.”


Devony couldn’t stop staring.

Tavia Chase was stunningly beautiful. Tall and elegant in her basic black outfit of tailored pants and a fine-gauge knit sweater, she exuded a calm confidence that immediately put Devony at ease. Her face was a study in classic beauty, high cheekbones, smooth skin, and a generous mouth—all of it framed by a luxurious mane of caramel-brown hair.

Carys shared many of her mother’s features and her remarkable beauty, but where Tavia conveyed a steady strength, her daughter practically vibrated with wild, magnetic energy.

For many reasons, Devony was awestruck by both daywalker females, not the least of which being that they were her own relatives.

After introductions in the foyer, the two women had taken her to a lovely guestroom suite in a quiet part of the mansion. They were seated together in a comfortable conversation area of the room, Devony on an oversized upholstered chair, Tavia and Carys perched across from her on a silk-covered sofa.

“Are you sure you’re all right?” Tavia asked gently. “I can only imagine how you must be feeling after your ordeal tonight.”

Devony had explained to them about her brownstone being attacked, but even after assuring the two women she was fine, it hadn’t seemed to lessen their concern. They fussed over her, offering food and drink and the full use of the sumptuous guestroom. Carys had even brought her sleepwear and a change of clothes from her own wardrobe. The silk robe and pajamas were as much a temptation as the oversized soaking tub in the adjacent bath.

But it was difficult to think of her own comfort knowing Rafe was somewhere else in the mansion being confronted by another of the Chases, one of the Order’s most formidable members.

Sterling Chase, his former commander.

“I can’t believe you’ve been right under our noses here in Boston,” Carys said. She had also been avidly studying Devony from the moment they sat down. “How did you and Rafe meet?”

“It’s ah . . . kind of a long story.”

“And one for another time,” Tavia said. “I’m sure Devony would like to rest.”

Carys’s expression slumped. “All right, until then. I’m sorry, I just have so many questions for you.”

Devony could hardly hide her curiosity, either. There was so much she wanted to ask these two women, so much she wanted to know about their lives. But she hadn’t come there on a social call. She wasn’t even sure she and Rafe would be allowed to stay.

“I’d like that, Carys.”

“Good. You’ll even have a chance to meet my brother, Aric. He and his mate, Kaya, are here now from Montreal,” she said, her blue eyes sparkling. “They’ve come with a few other daywalkers who’ve joined the Order as part of a special unit with him. You’ll have to meet them all while you’re here.”

Tavia gently cleared her throat, more than likely to curtail her daughter from divulging Order business to a stranger. She rose, indicating for Carys to join her. “Please, make yourself at home, Devony. As I said, we’re going to let you relax now. If you need anything at all, consider it yours.”

She followed the pair to the door. Carys stepped out with a bright smile and a friendly wave, but Tavia paused there. She pulled Devony into a brief hug.

“I know these are terrible circumstances for our first meeting, but I’m very glad you’re here.” Her fingers were cool and soothing as she smoothed some of Devony’s hair off her face. “I’m only sorry I didn’t get the chance to meet your mother . . . my sister. I’m sure she was a very special woman.”

“She was,” Devony said. “She was the bravest woman I knew.”

Tavia nodded. “I have a feeling she would say the same thing about you, if she were here to see you now.”

Devony swallowed, emotion jamming in her throat at the sentiment, however unwarranted. She wasn’t brave. She was angry. She was hurting. She wanted to deliver pain—not only as retribution for her family now, but for how close Copyright 2016 - 2024