The Boyfriend Designer - Christopher Harlan Page 0,72

pocket for sure. I don’t have a day job, this is how I pay for the lifestyle I’ve become accustomed to.

I mean, sure, I technically don’t need a car that I keep in a garage all year round except for summer weekends when I drive to my second place in the Hamptons. I don’t need to buy expensive designer clothes and all the other things that drain my bank account something awful, but hell, I earned the money, why not enjoy it?

But now I have a real problem and those bills I just mentioned aren’t going anywhere. After a screaming chorus of “what the fuck” that was so loud I’m sure my neighbors called the police, I finally spoke to someone at YouTube.

The guy—who sounded like he was about nineteen years old who could benefit from my alpha course—told me that my videos had been reported for violating community standards, which is a catch all expression for someone didn’t like it and complained. The only other piece of info I could get out of the guy was that the complaints had to do with content. . . how did he say it. . . “violates standards of the YouTube community.”

Like I said, I’m all about women’s rights, but my whole channel is about empowering men, not violating women’s rights, so I’m not sure why they’d get flagged now.

Actually, I do have an idea as to why.

This whole thing happened two weeks after the cops finally showed up and threw crazy Jessica out of my place. She got arrested and brought in front of a judge who must have scared her enough to finally back off. I guess she likes her freedom a lot better than trying to be my she-wolf.

But I know this is all her. This is the only way she can get back at me for everything, and the worst part is I can’t even do anything about it because I’m not going to initiate contact with her.


Thank God I’m still selling merch like hotcakes, and I’m bound to sell enough at VidCon to make up for some of the demonetized videos. I’m launching my new line of Alpha sex products and I’m going to display them all at a panel at VidCon.

If there’s one thing my guys will buy sight-unseen, it’s anything that they think will either get them laid or improve the sex they’re already having. I can’t wait.

But I know Shoshana is going to be there, and I hope, more than anything—more than selling merch or gaining followers—that she’ll finally listen to reason and talk to me about what happened.

We’ll see. I think she’ll go for it.


VidCon—two months later

“Never fear, Sabina is here.”

There’s no way I’m talking to Conor.

Hell to the naw naw naw.

It’s not happening, no matter how much Tori told me I should. And speaking of my bestie, she’s off pitching yet another future bestseller to her fiancé’s publishing company, so I’m flying solo on this one.

Well, almost solo.

Never fear, Sabina is here. She’s like the me I used to be before I was me. Wait, that’s confusing as hell. I mean, she’s doing for me what I used to do for Tori. Helping me out, assisting with signings, learning the ropes. And it’s nice to be here with someone I can legit call my friend now. If nothing else, I have some girl moral support in case I run into that pig.

God, talk about deja vu.

And, just like last time, I’m a day early. Unlike last time, this whole event isn’t fifteen minutes from where I live already. This was a schlep and a half, but it’s so much bigger than the New York one. I didn’t even think that was possible, but I swear they could fit the population of a small developing nation in this giant hotel. It’s seriously the biggest place I’ve ever seen in my life, and most of these rooms are filled with YouTube influencers and vloggers.

Sabina is even more wide-eyed than I am.

“This is. . . amazing.”

“I remember my first time,” I tell her. “I had that same expression on my face. Tori was cool as a cucumber, of course, but I was the nervous one, even though I didn’t really have to do much.”

“Just like me,” she says, smiling. “As few responsibilities as possible.”

Except one. I haven’t told her about it yet. But who doesn’t love surprises? “Actually, there’s one big responsibility I’m going to give you.”

Her whole expression changes from light hearted and laid Copyright 2016 - 2024