The Bossy Prince (Rugged and Royal #3) - Lili Valente Page 0,75

move, but I love this, too, the way I can feel him…everywhere. “I’m never going to get my fill.” I tilt my head back. “Though I do wish I was taller so I could kiss you while you’re inside me.”

“We’ll find a position,” he promises, threading his fingers into my hair. “But until then, how about I pull your hair while I fuck you from behind until you come screaming that I’m the best you’ve ever had?”

I’m pretty sure my eyes roll back in my head at the mere thought of it.

I shiver and say in a husky whisper, “Oh, yes please,” and then he’s flipping me over on all fours, and his fist is in my hair, and I’m in heaven.

A very wicked, wonderful heaven…

I shove back into his thrusts, shamelessly tilting my hips and slamming against him as he drives into me so hard the flesh on my ass ripples. It’s rough and dirty but still so connected and vulnerable and real. And then his breath is hot in my ear, begging me, “Come for me, baby. I want to feel you go on my dick. Please, I need you coming on me. I need it so fucking much.”

And so do I.

And then I’m there, shattering into a million delicious pieces while Nick’s arm goes around my waist, clinging to me as his cock pulses inside me, and I realize it’s true. I’m never going to get enough of him.

Never, ever, not even if we both live for a thousand years.

Afterward, as he disposes of the condom, I lie boneless on the bed, too spent to move until Nick fetches the cupcakes from the table.

He swipes a bit of pink icing from the top of one with his finger and brings it to my lips. “Here, darling. Sugar will help bring you back to life.”

Watching him beneath my hooded lids, I slip my tongue from between my lips, swirling it around the tip of his finger in a slow, sultry circle.

“Dear God,” he murmurs, his gaze locked on my mouth.

I lick the tip again before closing my lips around his finger and sucking it deep.

He groans. “You’re terrible.”

I slide my lips up and down, keeping the suction on his finger, mimicking how I’d treat more intimate parts of him, then I release his slick digit with a soft popping sound. “Wonderful, you mean.”

“No, terrible,” he counters. “I’m not sure I can get hard again yet. You’ve broken me, Alexandra.”

“But that’s the best part of making love,” I say. “You can always put each other back together again.”

He smiles his smug smile, but his gaze is warm as he says, “Aw, you called it making love. Are you going soft on me, Zanny Wanny?”

“Call me that again, and I swear I will never put my lips anywhere near your cock. Even if it is the best cock I’ve ever had, and I can’t wait to lick the icing off every inch of it.”

His breath shudders out as he lies back on the mattress. “Oh, God, yes, please, you wicked, wonderful girl.”

I roll on top of him, straddling his hips before reaching over to swipe my finger through the cupcake now sitting on his bedside table. I drag the icing over the top of his already semi-hard cock, then lick my finger clean while he watches my mouth like it’s the most magical thing he’s ever seen.

And then, holding his gaze, I sweep my hair to one side, angle my head to make sure he has a good view of the show, and set to work.

The tortured groan that emerges from his chest as I drag my tongue up his length and swirl it around his swollen tip is possibly the sexiest sound I’ve ever heard. When he calls my name a few minutes later, demanding I stop sucking his cock so he can fuck me, I’m so turned on I can only moan in response and suck him harder.

And then he fists his hand in the hair at the base of my neck, dragging my mouth up to his, and I lose all semblance of control. I straddle him as he guides his cock between my legs, both of us sighing in relief as he fills me again.

“Wait, condom,” he says, jaw clenching.

“I have an IUD, and if somehow we still have an accident, well…” I wiggle closer to him until he’s buried as deep inside me as he can get. “We wouldn’t be the first couple in this Copyright 2016 - 2024