The Bossy Prince (Rugged and Royal #3) - Lili Valente Page 0,74

say. “So much.”

“And you’re going to have me,” Nick murmurs. “But first, I’ll have you.”

I shiver as Nick’s heat suddenly vanishes and then shiver again as he kneels between my legs, hooking his fingers behind my knees and dragging them slowly apart, baring me to him.

“Fuck me,” he whispers with his gaze fixed on my pussy.

“I’d love to, if you’ll get up here already.”

His lips quirk, but he doesn’t smile. “Not yet. I have kissing to do.” He studies me, the heat in his eyes making me even wetter. “Wider, baby. Show me all of you.”

My nipples draw into tight, tingling points, and I obey, breath rushing out as Nick presses a kiss to my thigh. He’s so close to where I’m dying for him to touch me but not nearly close enough.

And then he kisses me again, and again, higher and higher until I’m trembling, dying, burning, and suffering and…

“Oh God, yes,” I cry out as his tongue finally flicks, just once, across my clit.

His dark, dancing eyes lift to meet mine, and he has the nerve to grin.

“Bastard,” I hiss.

“No, I’m not,” he says. “Just wait and see. And I do mean see. I want you to watch me, Zan. Watch me fuck you with my tongue.”

The retort on my lips falls away as he lowers his head between my legs, his tongue tracing every inch of slick, swollen skin with a dedication that’s impressive—and the hottest thing to ever happen to my body. Bar none. And then he slips his tongue inside me, moaning in appreciation as he curls it on the way out, and my head threatens to spin off my body.

“Nick.” I shudder as he does that tongue-curling thing again, so slow and sexy I can feel something deep inside me unraveling.

“So fucking sweet.” His tongue thrusts deep this time, driving into me with enough force to make me cry out, “Nick, please.”

“Please what?” he asks, circling my clit with just enough pressure to make my legs tremble on either side of his face.

“More,” I pant. “Like that.”

“Hard and deep?” he asks.

“Yes,” I breathe.

“I was hoping you’d say that.”

A beat later, my legs are up over his shoulders, and his hands are lifting my ass off the bed as he claims my pussy in the filthiest French kiss imaginable. His tongue explores, owns, dominates every inch of me, pulsing deep inside as his teeth rub against my clit through his lips.

I cry out his name again, and then I’m coming, spiraling out with a spine-bowing intensity as he slides two fingers inside me.

“Oh, God, yes. Yes!” My eyes squeeze shut as my body clutches at those thick fingers that feel so good.

So damned good, but still a poor substitute for what I need.

What I’m dying for.

“You. Inside me. Now.” I tug frantically at his hair before reaching down to drag my nails across his shoulders.

“Wait, I’m not finished yet.” He pops his fingers between his lips, humming low in his throat as he drags them out again. “I want to savor every bit of your sweetness. I love the taste of your come, Alexandra. I’m going to need you for dessert at least once a day.”

“No,” I say, huffing at the almost comic scowl that takes hold of his face. “Not unless you fuck me right now. I get that glorious dick now or no more dessert for you.”

“You drive a hard fucking bargain, woman,” he says, rising over me. He reaches for the bedside table and grabs a condom from the drawer. Ripping the package open, he rolls it on before he reaches down to position himself. “Literally.”

And then he sinks into me, stretching me so wide it’s uncomfortable for a moment. But only a moment. Then everything else vanishes in the roar of the pleasure beast snatching me up in its claws.

“Shit, Zan.” Nick groans as he reaches beneath me, squeezing my ass in his big hands. “You feel so fucking good. I want to fuck you until I die.”

“Not today,” I moan, wrapping my legs around him and lifting into his cock as he pushes deeper and sparks dance behind my closed eyes. “You can’t die today. Not yet.”

“I meant until the day I die,” he says, holding still at the end of his next thrust. “But good to know my demise is acceptable as long as you get your fill first.”

“Never,” I vow, pressing a kiss to his chest as I circle my hips, squirming beneath him. I need him to Copyright 2016 - 2024