The Bossy Prince (Rugged and Royal #3) - Lili Valente Page 0,16

much more time around your sisters and needy children, your secret will be out.”

I huff. “What secret is that? That I’m not a monster?”

“That you’re actually a kind and generous soul. And that you secretly wish people would hug you more often.”

My upper lip curls. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

“Oh, yes, you do. I saw the way you melted when that little girl threw her arms around you today. And the twenty dollars you slipped into her pocket.”

“She was excited about a ninja throwing stars playset. We shared a common interest, that’s all,” I say, my wool scarf suddenly itchier than it was before. I tug it a few inches from my neck. “And I didn’t realize I was under surveillance.”

“You’re not. I’m just trying to get to know you, Zan.”

“Try less,” I mumble as our group comes to a stop in front of a two-story mansion with thick ropes of evergreen garland around every snow-dusted window.

The front door opens, revealing a posh family of five dressed in traditional Gallantian winter wear—thick knitted dresses decorated with embroidery for the mother and two little girls and crisp white shirts and similarly decorated vests for the father and son. Queen Felicity, Nick’s mother, lifts her hand to signal the start of the next carol.

This time, it’s “We Wish You a Merry Christmas.”

I just wish I were alone in my room with a cup of tea, a book, and no nosy princes.

I mouth the words while Nick shakes his head in subtle disapproval. I’m about to gouge him in the side with my elbow when my sister moans behind me.

I turn to see Lizzy turning green—literally. The pink drains from her face, leaving her a sickly chartreuse. She presses her fist to her lips, shooting a panicked gaze toward Jeffrey. He takes one look at her and, apparently reading her mind, launches into action.

Before I can ask what’s going on, Lizzy’s fiancé has swept her into his arms and made a dash for the patch of woods at the side of the family’s yard. There, he quickly sets Lizzy back on her feet and reaches for her hair, pulling it away from her face as she doubles over, offering up a second showing of our ham and sweet potato dinner.

There’s a disgusted sound from the photographer closest to the spectacle, but it’s quickly drowned out by a flurry of clicking cameras and excited murmuring from the Gallantian citizens who’ve followed our party down the street. The noise is enough to attract the attention of the caroling royal family, and one by one, their raised voices go quiet.

My mother, the consummate drama queen, is the first to hurl herself into the silence. “Oh, darling! A baby? We’re going to have a baby?”

I’m about to insist Mother stop being ridiculous—it’s more likely Lizzy’s caught a virus or been poisoned by gravy that sat out too long—but then my sister turns with a weak smile and lifts her mittened hands at her sides. “Surprise.”

My jaw drops.

A baby? My sister is pregnant?

Jeffrey wraps protective arms around her and glares menacingly at the press corps until they lower their cameras. “I’m taking Elizabeth home. We’ll discuss this later. As a family.”

Without further ado, he scoops Lizzy back into his arms and carries her to one of the vehicles waiting to whisk us back to the castle as soon as the caroling is through. Moments later, the SUV reverses with a three-point turn and disappears through the softly falling snow.

“What a perfect Christmas miracle,” my mother says in a too-loud voice, lifting her sweatered arms to the heavens.

I should be grateful she’s wearing something other than her silk pajama uniform from the past decade, but I’ve been so irritated by her performances for the press the past few days, it takes all my willpower not to lunge at her and muffle her with my scarf.

“Hang in there,” Nick murmurs. “Soon, this will all be over, and we can go have mulled wine. If you’re good, I’ll show you the secret hiding place in my study where not even my family can find me, no matter how hard they look.”

“She’s ridiculous,” I hiss beneath my breath.

“She’s excited,” he counters. “And you will be, too, I’m sure, once the shock wears off.” He sighs. “It is shocking, though, isn’t it? Jeffrey isn’t the type to break the rules or do things out of order. I mean, they only recently got engaged.”

I ponder his words as Queen Felicity gets Copyright 2016 - 2024