Bossy Grump - Nicole Snow Page 0,150


Hello, biggest risk of my life.

With my breath stalled in my lungs, I pinch the knob and push the door open.


The Blueprints (Ward)

“What are the other options?” Nick asks.

“Well, we could—” The sound of a turning doorknob distracts me, and I look over his shoulder.

I’m expecting an interruption.

Definitely not the kind involving a blond, voluptuous, green-eyed angel who ignites my being with a soul-shock stronger than any booze invented.

I blink once. Twice. Three times.

Still there.

Fuck, she’s real.

She stands in the doorway of my office, wearing the same sassy smirk she used when she’d bring me death by sugar disguised as coffee and decorated with handcuffs. And there’s something nervous written on her too.


Seeing Paige Holly again winds me up in a way I haven’t felt since I was stomping around overseas in the military dodging sniper rounds.

That ambrosia bottom lip pulls into her mouth.

I wish it were my teeth there instead. For a second, I have half a mind to storm over and sign my name on her lips with my tongue.

Only, I’d be the universe’s biggest idiot to scare her away again.

“I didn’t mean to interrupt.” Her voice is so quiet, an octave higher than usual as she gives us a fluttery wave.

Interrupting? I’ve never wanted to see anyone so much in my life.

I search for words to say it, my brain short-circuited, but my mouth isn’t working.

“We were just wrapping up, and he was leaving.” I lance my brother with a stare that promises a lifetime of ass kickings if he doesn’t pick his butt up and move.

Thankfully, he’s a good brother, deep down.

With a knowing smirk, Nick claps his folder shut and walks past her, muttering an “awesome to see you again, Paige.” He gives me one last raised-eyebrow look before closing the door on his way out.

It’s carpe diem, or carpe die.

She takes a step forward. If I sat up any straighter, I think I’d dislocate a disc. Her hands move to her hips and her smirk blossoms into a grin that turns my heart into a poached egg.

“Mr. Brandt, I heard you wanted to see me?”

My fucking lip curls in a lopsided smile.

She’s coy, but formal. Is she flirting, or is she here for something unrelated to—well, my miserable sleepless nights?

Either way, I told Ross Winthrope I’d humiliate myself a million times for this girl, didn’t I?

Here’s my chance.

“I’m so sorry, Paige,” I try to say, but she’s already talking.

“Ward, I’m sorry. I should have—”

We both stop in mid-word collision.

“What did you do?” I ask.

“—I overreacted!” she throws out at the same time.

I close the space between us. We’re toe to toe.

“Let me go first?”

She nods.

“I’m a clusterfuck human being,” I start. “My issues with my parents—”

Her hand moves to my face, silencing me with a single stroke. “Aren’t your fault. I’ll just have to make not trusting me impossible.”

I bend down and plant my lips on her head.

“You already are impossible, but sweetheart, let me finish. My family issues are as resolved as they’ll ever be. Between you, me, and this room, I’ve been talking to a Swiss shrink ever since you walked out.”

Her mouth drops and her eyes fill with awe.

“They poisoned me, Paige, and I’m working like hell to draw out the venom. I was terrified I’d be a monster just like them. I thought I’d never be able to make you happy. But after spending time without you, the only thing I want in the world—the only thing I’ll ever truly need—is your happiness. Preferably with me. So here’s the big question. Can you ever forgive me?”

For a killing moment, she’s quiet, her face set like a mask.

“Of course! The whole fake engagement thing ruffled my deepest fears, too. The crap with Austin left me bruised, and then when I heard you say you didn’t love me and would never marry me after we—well, after we—”

I fold my arms around her and pull her to me. I love how remembering our passion renders her speechless.

“We made love, Paige, and I started talking stupid. Guess what matters more? What always will as long as I still have a pulse?” I smile into the heated green pools of her eyes, trying not to tremble with the need to fall in.

She closes her eyes and sighs like a whimper.

“Ward—making love? Is that what you’d call it? I felt played.” Her jaw clenches and she turns her head, those green gems so conflicted. “I thought our fun was just convenient.”

My grip on her tightens, heavy Copyright 2016 - 2024