Bossing the Cowboy (Circle B Ranch #4) - Kennedy Fox Page 0,7

blood, and even though I wasn’t looking for an intern at the time, I knew she’d be a good fit for the position.

“Good mornin’,” she sing-songs when I walk to the front to grab a chart.

Keeping a straight face, I mumble, “Mornin’.”

When I move past her, I’ll bet a hundred bucks she rolls her eyes. The thought almost has me smirking. She smells good, like fresh soap and flowers. As always, I remind myself it’s necessary to create a barrier between us and keep her at arm’s length. Mixing business with my personal life would be a mistake, and I refuse to allow any more drama into my life. My ex has caused enough to last me a decade.

I was convinced I’d never find another woman attractive until Elizabeth Bishop stumbled into my clinic. The feeling was foreign, like nothing I’d ever experienced, so I’ve kept my distance.

Elle follows me back to my office. I try to ignore her as I sit at my desk. Reaching over, I grab a file folder, but she’s staring. I finally look up and meet her green eyes. That familiar feeling returns as it does each time my gaze meets hers.

“Can I help you?” I finally ask.

She sucks in a deep breath and exhales slowly. “I wanted to talk to you about the horse over at the Martins’.”

I sit down and flip through the shot records for a few animals over at the Circle B Ranch. It’s almost time to schedule their yearly vaccinations.

“Are you listening, Dr. Wallen?” she finally asks. “I can come back later if you’re too busy.”

Licking my lips, I keep my focus on the papers in my hand. “Sit.”

Elle does what I say, but I can tell she’s growing impatient with me. “The mare over at the Martins’ is due to give birth any day now,” she explains. “Mrs. Martin saw me at the gas station this morning and asked if one of us could be there just to make sure everything goes okay. It’s this horse’s first baby, so she wants to ensure there aren’t any problems. It’s one of their show horses or something. You know how they’re very…particular.”

Her last comment makes me want to laugh, but I bury it. “Have her call you when it’s time,” I suggest. “You should be able to handle it.”

“Of course I can. Mr. Bruce said I did a good job and was pleased,” she says.

“He was,” I agree curtly. She's a fast learner and has never let me down. She’s more than capable of doing whatever it is I ask.

“Did you talk to him?”

“Yes,” I say, going back to my files and not giving her the attention she’s after. I don’t tell her I stopped by the ranch afterward and checked because it’d hurt her pride. Plus, it was for my peace of mind.

She huffs as if she’s annoyed by that. However, it’s still my job to ensure my patients are taken care of. I wouldn’t be a good vet if I didn’t.

“Are we done here?” I ask when the silence between us lingers.

“I guess so.” She dramatically slams her palms on the chair, then stands and walks out.

I release a relieved breath when I’m alone again. That woman is tough as nails and more patient than I give her credit for, especially after all the short responses I give her. Pretty sure I would’ve already told myself to fuck off by now. Then again, I’m her superior, allowing her to work under my license while overseeing everything she does. The truth is, I need her here too because the clinic has grown a lot over the past year. Having her here was a godsend, and it's why I offered her a part-time position.

She has a few years left until she’s licensed, and my goal is to teach her everything I know so she’ll be ten steps ahead of everyone else. Selfishly, I want her to work here with me afterward, but I’ll cross that bridge when it’s time.

After an hour of sitting at my desk, Elle and I get on the road to do a few mobile visits. Since I’m the only clinic in town that deals with equestrians and cattle, I’m always busy.

“Can you tell me again what’s on the schedule?” I finally ask Elle to fill the silence.

She looks up from her phone and recites our itinerary from memory.

“A Coggins test over at the Talbots’, tooth extraction at the Adamses’, deworming at the Joneses’, Harpers’, and Smiths’, then Copyright 2016 - 2024