Bossing the Cowboy (Circle B Ranch #4) - Kennedy Fox Page 0,8

we have to trim some sheep hooves over at the Johnsons’. Oh, and we have to do a pregnancy test at the Bransons’ ranch. Almost forgot that one.”

A small smirk touches my lips, but she doesn’t notice. “We have a full day then.”

“I’d say so.” She nods, then continues, “Just don’t forget I have to drive back to campus tonight for my classes tomorrow.”

“I’m aware.” Though the schedule is jam-packed, she’ll have plenty of time to make it back before dark. Though I’d never admit it, I hate when she’s gone.

After not seeing her for three days, I actually kinda miss her.

Another thing I keep buried deep inside.

Chapter Three



Although I’m only in the first semester of my second year of vet school, I’m ready to have a few extra days off for Thanksgiving break. Between going to class, driving back and forth, and working at the clinic, I hardly see my family, but I plan to spend as much time with them as I can over the holiday.

“Anything I can do to help?” My mom’s hustling in the kitchen before her evening shift starts. She’s an emergency room doctor in the next town over and wanted to spend some time with us before she leaves, so we’re having a Thanksgiving lunch with my dad and brother. Then we’ll head to the B&B for desserts. Maize makes a huge feast of sweets, and all the Bishops meet there to celebrate. It’s one of my favorite holiday traditions.

“Sure, sweetie. Your dad won’t be home from the hospital for a couple of hours, so I could use all hands on deck.” She bastes the turkey while I wash my hands and put on an apron.

“Is Ethan out workin’?” I ask, grabbing the potatoes to wash and peel. He helps our uncles with ranch duties when he’s home from college.

“I believe so. Then he was gonna pick up Harper before we eat.”

Smirking, I know it’s only a matter of time before they finally become a couple. My brother’s two years younger than me and will graduate next summer, so I only get to give him a hard time about his we’re not dating best friend when we’re both home, which is hardly ever.

“So tell me what’s new? I hardly get to see ya between our schedules.” Mom moves around the kitchen as I continue peeling. Though we text when we can, it’s not the same as talking face-to-face.

“Busy as usual.” I sigh. “The clinic is chaotic, and my classes are stressful, but I’m enjoying it. Vet school is flying by, so I’m trying to take it all in.”

“Connor’s a great vet. You’ll learn so much from him too.”

“Yeah, Dr. Wallen is a great mentor,” I say dryly, rolling my eyes.

“You’re very lucky to be working under him.”

“Yeah,” I murmur. So lucky.

“What? You don’t like it there?”

“Oh, I do,” I reassure her. “He’s so moody, though. I feel like I’m always walking on eggshells around him.”

Mom grins. “That’s kinda how all doctors are. Super sweet to their patients but hard-asses to their co-workers.”

“Why can’t y’all be nice in general? I swear, during my interview, he decided I was too young and naïve to be good at my job. Years have passed, and nothing’s changed.”

“Doubtful. He’s the quiet, brooding type. Kinda like how your daddy was when we first met.” A soft blush covers her cheeks, and I snort. “And ya know what they say? Girls tend to marry men like their fathers.”

I remember Maize telling me the same thing as I grab a knife to start chopping. “And you still married him?” I snicker. “If that’s truly the case, I’ll never want to get married.”

“Yes, you will. You’ll find the one and want to start a family with him.” She brushes a piece of my hair off my face and smiles. “Trust me. It’s in your blood.”

There’s no doubt about that, considering how large our family has grown. Grandma and Grandpa Bishop had five kids, and between them, there are twelve grandchildren and one great-grandchild so far. My cousin Riley and his wife, Zoey, had a baby boy five months ago. It’s only a matter of time before the grandkids start popping out kids of their own. I snort, throwing the potatoes in a large pot.

Mom and I chat and laugh for the next couple of hours until everything is cooked and on the table. Ethan and Harper stroll in just before Dad gets home. After the guys take a shower, Dad carves Copyright 2016 - 2024