Boss in the Bedsheets - Kate Canterbary Page 0,122

contents getting away. Then, "Wow. Just…wow."

"Does that mean you like it? I can take it back. I can have them make something different."

Zelda shook her head, saying, "This is quite perfect."

Since she was still clutching the box like it had the capacity to shapeshift, I plucked the ring out and slipped it on her finger. The large center sapphire gazed up at us like a bottomless lake while twin diamonds sparkled on either side. Smaller diamonds climbed down the band, twisting over and around the platinum. "I believe I deserve some acknowledgment for waiting more than a year to make it official."

Angling her hand to study the ring, she said, "Marital customs aren't my area of expertise but I thought the suitor was expected to get down on one knee."

"Am I being penalized for making it both knees and my face between your legs? Because I seem to recall you taking some gratification from that change."

She patted my arm. "No penalties," she said with a laugh. "It's just fun to push your buttons, Ashville."

There was a knock at the door and we frowned at each other but the sound of my sister's voice quickly answered all questions. "Ash? Zelda? I'm knocking and I need you to answer the door. I'll use my key. I swear, I will. I need to come in. Answer, answer, answer."

"Oh my god," I muttered. "What does she need at"—I shot a glimpse at my watch—"twelve thirty on a Saturday? Does she always have to barge in like this?"

Zelda scrambled off my lap and straightened her skirt, saying, "Does it matter? She's six months pregnant with twins. She's allowed to barge in."

My mother, for her part, had been cured of her tendency to invite herself into our apartment back in October when an eyeful of my bare ass and Zelda bent over the sofa greeted her one morning. Now, she called before she visited and called again before boarding the elevator. Just to be cautious. She was more interested with Magnolia and Rob these days anyway, always visiting to help with the nursery or something like that.

I tucked myself back into my shorts and hefted to my feet. "I don't have to like it."

Zelda paused near the door as I zipped up. "Will you like it when I'm six months pregnant with twins?"

"Ignoring for the moment that your question doesn't make sense, yes. When you're pregnant, I'll—" Fuck. I shoved my fingers through my hair because that notion was a tidal wave. It was a loud, desperate drowning in thoughts and images and emotions and Fuuuuuuck. "Yes, my love. You know I will."

She pressed her palm to her chest and that ring glinted back at me like a beacon. "You're right, I do know."

"I can hear you in there," Magnolia yelled. "Could you have this conversation after I pee? Because that's the only thing that has to be resolved right this instant."

"Let her in. I'll never hear the end of it from my mother otherwise," I said.

Zelda held the door open for my sister, who bustled past us for the bathroom down the hall, calling, "Open a window. The sex hormones wafting off you two are making me woozy."

"We'll need to move." I gave the apartment an ambiguous shrug. "We'll need more space. For the twins," I added.

"And the ones we have after the twins," she offered.

"Bedrooms and…backyards," I said. "We'll need—"

"For real, dude, what is going on here?" Magnolia asked, drying both hands on her round belly. "The Very Serious Convo vibes are clashing with the Dirty, Dirty Sex vibes big time."

I blinked at her for a second. Then, "Technical question for you, Mag. Do we need to wait until after this situation"—I nodded at her belly—"is finished to get married? Does it matter to you?"

Magnolia plucked a band from her wrist and gathered up her hair as she shifted to face Zelda. "What is my brother asking me?"

Zelda held up her hand in response. Magnolia abandoned her hair to rush forward with an almighty screech. "Fucking finally," she cried, turning Zelda's hand to inspect the ring. "Am I the first to know? Please tell me I'm the first!"

"You're the first," my moonbeam bride replied.

"Yes, I love it when I'm the first! You're calling Mom and Dad right now, and Lin too. And then you have to call the girls, Zelda. They're going to die. Okay, that's the plan, you're calling everyone and I'll call a caterer," Magnolia went on. "An About Time Already engagement Copyright 2016 - 2024