Boss in the Bedsheets - Kate Canterbary Page 0,121

love?" I watched my fingers disappear inside her only for them to emerge coated in her arousal and my cock was ready to burn straight through my shorts. That did it for me every time. Her responding to me, us coming together. We shouldn't have made sense, we shouldn't have even found each other yet here we were, sharing the most elemental thing of any world. "What is it? What do you have to say about making me wait?"

While it was amusing to imply Zelda was the one holding up our nuptial proceedings, that wasn't a fair portrait of reality. We simply hadn't had the time to make any progress, not with her diving head and shoulders into grad school last fall, my new business ventures keeping me on the road several nights each month, and my father scaling back to only one day a week in his office after tax season had ended. And that was on top of me and Zelda learning how to make this relationship work when we didn't get to spend every minute of every day together.

In the spirit of reality, I was the one who struggled most with my separation from Zelda during the daylight hours.

If the storage of wedding vows spoken was anyone's fault, it was mine. As much as I'd wanted to seal this deal, there was no reason to rush. Zelda deserved time to come into her own. She'd spent far too long sitting on the shelf of her ex's design and even longer putting up with that horrendous family of hers. This was her shot at being whoever, whatever she wanted—and I had the fortune of watching from the front row.

Yeah, this was on me—but I was ready to change that.

"I'm waiting for an answer," I said, delivering an especially mean bite just an inch away from where she wanted it. "You know how I feel about waiting, Zelda."

"I—I—you know I want to," she replied, her words strained.

I slipped my fingers out and walked them along her back channel. It wasn't nearly enough pressure or friction, and the urgent rock of her hips confirmed it. "That's the best you can give me?"

"What do you want me to say?" she asked, breathless as she hooked a glance over her shoulder. "You want to set a date? Draft the vows? A promise I'll change my name? What do you want, Ash?"

"A ring on your finger to start," I said, retrieving the small box from my pocket, the one holding the sapphire and diamond ring I'd picked up in Phoenix last week. "I imagine the other pieces will fall into place after that."

Her lips parted and if I'd allowed it, this would've devolved into a precious, lovey mess of cuddles and tears on the kitchen floor. That wasn't happening. Not yet.

I set the box beside me and gestured for her to shift back into position, saying, "As you were. You'll get this when I'm through with you."

My hands filled with the globes of her ass, I leaned in and traced her seam until I found that hard pearl, all pink and eager for my attention. I gave her a long, hard suck as her hips rolled and her hands slapped against the countertop. Her legs shook as I flicked my tongue over her one last time and I knew from the throb I felt there she was primed to explode. In the end, it took only one, two thorough laps for those muscles to shiver and spasm, and all her unbelievable heat to rush over me, and then a violent pinch to her clit to make her scream.

I had my belt off, shorts unzipped, and cock out before she'd stopped twitching and somehow—somefuckinghow—managed to yank her down to my lap and slide inside her without anyone taking an elbow to the eye or tumbling over from the precariousness of it all. I'd mastered many things in my life but fucking my girlfriend—fiancée—with nothing but my arm around her waist to keep her from faceplanting on the kitchen floor wasn't one of them.

That I lasted all of two minutes was a blessing.

With Zelda still panting in my lap, I shifted back against the refrigerator. "I should tell you I'd planned to do this a bit less"—I motioned around the kitchen—"savagely."

"Why start now?" she asked.

"Fair point, Miss Besh." I kissed her temple and dropped the box into her hands. "This is for you."

She pried it open with care, as if she was concerned about the Copyright 2016 - 2024