Born of Defiance - Sherrilyn Kenyon Page 0,56

in an exaggerated, sarcastically happy tone. “Just what I wanted! Thank you, Mum. How thoughtful!”

She jerked at his braids. “When you open that, you’re going to feel like the ass you’re being.”

He doubted that. With a grimace, he licked the grease from his fingers, then opened the file to see what order he’d violated now that would be on his record forever.

The moment his gaze fell to the words, he gasped. “Is this for real?”

“It is.”

He started to get up, then remembered why he was in bed as pain ripped through him. He cursed and grimaced.

“Talyn!” Both his mother and Felicia started toward him.

“I’m okay. I just wanted to hug you. How’d you get me transferred?”

She glanced to Felicia. “I know people.”

Grateful beyond belief, he took his mother’s hand, led it to his cheek, and held it there. “You’re right. I feel like a total asshole. Oh gah, Mum, I can’t thank you enough for this.”

Felicia smiled at his heartfelt happiness and gratitude. That tone of voice told her just how bad Anatole had treated him. Her eyes tearing, she met Galene’s grateful gaze.

Until guilt for taking credit for the transfer darkened Galene’s eyes. By her expression, she knew his mother was about to tell him the truth.

Felicia shook her head to let her know it was all right to keep this secret. They’d decided that this would be best. While she was still learning about him, one thing Felicia knew for a fact was that Talyn didn’t like to feel beholden to anyone. He hated being in debt, even in favors.

“What is it?” she asked Talyn, feigning ignorance.

Opening his eyes, he grinned at her. “I’m being transferred to the Royal Guard Corps as soon as I’m cleared for active duty again.”

Now that was something she hadn’t known for sure. Lorens had been frustratingly short on the exact details of what he was doing for Talyn. “You’ll be at the palace?”

He nodded. “I don’t know my CO, though. Commander ezul Nykyrian?”

“He’s a cousin of the former sýzygos,” Galene explained. “Stern, but fair. I think you’ll like him. I know he’ll adore you… you’ll be guarding the tahrs and his court.”

Talyn bit back a curse and steeled himself not to show his revulsion at the thought. Part of the tahrs’s court included Colonel Asswipe. If an enemy ever came after Anatole while Talyn was on duty, he’d have a hard time protecting the douche.

But he didn’t want to dampen his mother’s happiness, so he held it in and hoped an assassin made a move on the bastard. Soon.

“Will you two be seeing each other?” Felicia asked hopefully.

Galene stepped away from the bed. “Not too much. My duties are with Tizirah Cairistiona. She’s mostly… bedridden. She doesn’t really leave her quarters in the palace. Tahrs Jullien, on the other hand, travels quite a bit. So I’m sad to say that we probably won’t see Talyn much, as he’ll be required to travel with Tahrs Jullien and his entourage.”

That was another big concern for him. “What about my fight and training schedule?”

“There are special accommodations for that. It’s all in there for you to look over. I think you’ll be more than pleased.”

Happiness returned as he pulled his mother against him for another tight hug. “You are the best, Matar! I don’t know how you did this, but I am forever in your debt.”

Felicia’s eyes teared at his exuberant gratitude.

Patting his head, his mother bit her lip as she met Felicia’s gaze over his shoulder. The guilt there was so sweet, but there was nothing to feel guilty over. This was for the best.

Don’t, Felicia mouthed to her. “Your mum is wonderful, Talyn. We’re both in her debt.” She scooted across the bed to pick up his folder. “Can I read it?”


Felicia smiled as she saw what her brother had done for them. She felt awful about every nasty thought she’d ever had regarding Lorens. “I’m so jealous! Your new barracks are at the palace. Near their guardhouse. Are those as nice as they sound?”

Galene snorted. “They’re not this.” She gestured at their bedroom. “But they’re not as miserable as gen-barr, which is what he had. He’ll finally have a private room and his own bathroom.”

“Really?” Talyn gasped with wide eyes.

She nodded. “It’s very small. Just a bed, chest of drawers, monitor, and tiny shower stall. Really a closet, but you don’t have to share it.”

The look of sincere joy made Felicia sick. What she’d learned was that Talyn had been relegated to Copyright 2016 - 2024