Born of Defiance - Sherrilyn Kenyon Page 0,55

it worse for him by trying to make it better. She’d never be able to live with herself if she hurt him.

Chapter 9

“What are you doing?”

Talyn froze instantly at Felicia’s peeved tone, wondering what he’d done to piss her off. “The most obvious answer seems to be getting into trouble with my girl. But against my better judgment and common sense, I’m going with the typical male response to female ire, and answer with… nothing.”

She stood up from the couch and put her hands on her hips. “Nothing? Really? Then why are you up?”

He frowned, even more confused than before. “I was thirsty.”

She cursed under her breath. “What did the doctors tell you, Talyn? You’re not supposed to be out of bed! What were you thinking?”

“That I was thirsty, and unless I wanted to drink out of the toilet, I needed to come to the kitchen to get water.”

He could tell by her expression that she was struggling not to laugh at him. “Did it not occur to you to ask someone to get it for you?”

Talyn snorted at her sarcasm. “I dare you to try that in the barracks. When I get my ass kicked, I expect to get paid and be applauded for it.”

“You are a sick male… in more ways than one. Now get back in bed where you belong, and I’ll get the water for you.”

“Yes, ma’am.” He trod back toward the bedroom, then paused. “Would I be pushing my luck to ask for a snack, too?”

“Yes, and yes, I’ll bring you something to eat. Now go!”

“Gah, bossy thing. You should work for Command.”

“I heard that!”

“I should hope so, given that I didn’t whisper it,” he groused as he returned to bed.

Felicia joined him there a few minutes later, with a small tray that she set on the bed beside him. Frowning, she tested his temperature with the back of her hand. “How are you feeling?”


“Just good?”

“I felt better till I got yelled at for trying not to disturb you while you were studying for your exams.”

“Sorry, mi keramon. I’m just worried about you. You’ve slept for almost thirty straight hours.”

His jaw went slack. “What?”

She nodded. “Your mom was about ready to call an ambulance for you.”

“How’d you keep her from it?”

“Your vitals were good. I told her that your body must need it, and that you were better off here than in the hospital where they annoy you, and you bark at them constantly.” She fed him a bite of chicken.

Raking his hand through his hair, he frowned as he chewed and considered that. “I need to call my CO. I’m sure they’ve notified him that I’m at home, and —”

“We took care of it for you. All you need to do is focus on getting better.”

Fear lacerated him. What had he missed? “Took care of it, how?”

“Your mother and I talked to Anatole.”

Fear turned to a sick feeling of dread. “Shit. I’m screwed, aren’t I?”

“No.” She handed him the water. “Have a little faith.”

Yeah, right. Faith was a heartless bitch who hated him worse than Anatole did.

“I know nothing of this faith you speak of.” He took a drink and sighed at the inevitable. There was no way to fix it until he faced the wretched bastard.

What’s done is done.

Instead of focusing on it and being mad, he changed the topic to something much more pleasant.


“So how are your tests coming?”

“I have one more tomorrow. Your mom has graciously volunteered to babysit you while I take it.”

He rolled his eyes as he reached for bread. “Is she going to change my nappies, too?”

“If you need it.” She fed him a bite of fruit.

The lift buzzed.

Talyn frowned at the sound.

“It’s your mom returning.”


Felicia went to the door to let his mother know that he was finally awake.

Grimacing, Talyn leaned back and pulled the tray closer so he could reach the food easier.

His mom swept into the room with a huge smile on her face. “Guess what I have?”

“I can’t imagine, and that look on your face kind of scares me.”

Scoffing at his irritable tone, she moved to his side and duplicated Felicia’s gesture of checking him for a fever.

“Satisfied I’ll live?”

“Very.” She smiled at his sarcasm, then handed him the files she held. “I have a present for you.”

He glanced at the Andarion military badge on the folder and bit back a snarl. Just the mere glimmer of a thought of returning to Anatole’s “tender” care put him in a shitty mood. “Work!” he said Copyright 2016 - 2024