Born of Defiance - Sherrilyn Kenyon Page 0,150

and her niece are in the last room on the right.”

Morra and Qory ran for that room.

Talyn laid down cover fire for them. “Great,” he said to Ryn, who was helping them escape, “but I feel compelled to point out that we’re a little outnumbered right now.”

Ryn didn’t respond. Rather, he tapped the link in his ear. “This is Ambassador Dane summoning all of the Wasternum in range. Venik’s men have attacked me and busted truce. Notify the clan! I’m in the northern corridor and require immediate assist. Again, all Wassies, full on, brothers and sisters. The Favored Son is under attack!”

Three doors opened behind them.

Talyn swung around and took aim. Until Tavali poured out to fire at the ones after them and cover their retreat. “How do I tell the enemy from your guys?”

Ryn snorted. “If they shoot at you, shoot back. If it’s one of my people, don’t worry about blasting one by accident. Jayne would kill them anyway for endangering you.”

With the others engaging Venik’s people, Talyn and Ryn rushed to where the queen was staying.

He and Ryn covered Morra and Qory while they rewired the locked door. Their enemies were quickly cutting through Ryn’s men.

Worse, Talyn was almost out of charges.

Just as he squeezed off the last round, the door opened. They headed into the room a heartbeat before he heard the dreaded sound of a trip wire.


Qory slammed into him an instant before the bomb detonated.

Chapter 27

Talyn groaned at the pain in his body as debris settled around them. There was a crushing weight on top of him. Smoke dimmed his vision, making him choke and cough.

Had half the station fallen in on him?

That was what it felt like.

Ryn let out a feral curse. Covered with ash and pieces of the ceiling, the Tavali wheezed and choked.

Talyn shifted as he heard Morra coughing next to him. “Morra?”

She ignored him as she gasped. “Qory?” Her voice was thick from her tears. “Oh gods, no! Qory, answer me!”

It was only then that Talyn realized the weight on him was from Qory. The giant had grabbed him and Morra and used his own body to shield them from the blast.

As gently as he could, he rolled Qory onto his back. Burns and cuts covered the man. “Qor? You’re still with us, right?”

Blood trickled from the corner of his mouth as he blinked.

“Don’t move!” Morra snapped as he tried to sign to her. “You just lie still and I’ll get help for you.”

Talyn sat back on his haunches as his sight cleared enough to see a shadow rushing past him. It took a second to realize that had been the tadara, saving her own ass.


Rage dimmed his vision. His only thought on killing her, he pushed himself to his feet, in spite of his pain, and ran after her.

But no sooner had she entered the hallway than several recoils from Tavali soldiers bounced around her. Shrieking, she fell to the floor and placed her hands on her head in surrender.

Talyn reached her first. Luckily, she hadn’t been injured during it all. She was whole to stand trial for her crimes.

Even though his blaster was empty, he angled it at her. “Eriadne eton Anatole, in the name of the Andarion Empire and by orders of Acting Tadara Tylie, I remand you into custody to face your charges. May the gods render mercy to you.”

She spat in his face. “I will not be taken in by some lack-Vest bastard!” She tried to rise, but Talyn held her in place.

Talyn wiped the spittle from his cheek. “Bitch, please. You’re not only being taken in by a lack-Vest bastard, you were brought down by one. Chew on that.” He pulled the binders from his pocket and used them to restrain her.

Until a blaster appeared at his temple.

Talyn froze as Eriadne laughed.

“Kill the bastard upstart!” she demanded. “I want to feel his blood on my skin.”

He heard the sharp click as the setting was switched from stun to kill.

“Don’t do it, Venik,” Ryn growled from the other side of the corridor as he slowly closed the distance between them. “That Andarion is not only under my protection, but that of the Caronese and Sentella. You kill him and it won’t be my blast you have to fear. Nemesis himself will be gunning for you, with Jayne leading him in.”

Still the blaster remained at Talyn’s temple. “Have you any idea what you’ve done, Cruel?”

Ryn snorted. “In Tavali Canting, I’m not a Cruel. I’m a Dane. Copyright 2016 - 2024