Born of Defiance - Sherrilyn Kenyon Page 0,149

a small e-ledger. “Captain Dane is busy right now, in a meeting. We’re to show you to his quarters to wait for him.”

As their Tavali escort led them through the bay, Talyn kept his senses alert. The station was a lot bigger than he’d thought from the reports he’d read about it. And there were a lot more Tavali here than he’d ever guessed. No wonder they’d been able to attack Andarion freighters and fleets so viciously, so often.

Just where would they have put the Andarion tadara?

For the first time, he was beginning to doubt their intel. Maybe Parisa hadn’t come here, after all. Not to mention, he was now doubting his own sanity. Perhaps they should have come up with a Plan B, C, D, or even E and F.

Yeah, definitely F, because they were starting to look fucked.

They turned down a corridor and were met by a group of pilots scrambling. Talyn and Qory stepped aside as they ran past, headed toward the bay.

“What’s that?” Morra asked as she stared after them.

Their escort checked with his e-ledger before he spoke. “Sensors picked up a group of Andarions hiding in the shadow of a moon. We’re assuming they’re there to attack us.”

Talyn cursed the luck and wished he had some way to warn his troops.

“Come to think of it…” The Tavali jerked the lower mask off Talyn’s face.

When he started to draw on him, Talyn kneed the man, grabbed his blaster, and knocked him into the wall.

Morra quickly came between them. “What the hell?”

The Tavali curled his lip. “He’s Andarion!”

She snorted. “Yeah, he is. So’s your boss, Venik. What’s your point?”

“How do I know he’s not a spy for the others?”

Morra gently tilted Talyn’s head back to expose the prison mark Chrisen had placed on his neck. “They let branded traitors in their armada?”

When the Tavali moved to touch the mark, Talyn let out a guttural sound that made him jump back.

Morra crossed her arms over her chest. “Wise move. He’s not quite tame.”

A bead of sweat rolled down the Tavali’s face. “Yeah, okay. Just keep him leashed.”

“Then don’t attack him. You move on him, and I’m not liable for his actions against you.”

“Hey, Tres?”

The Tavali froze at the call, then let out a relieved breath at the sight of their contact. “Dane. Thank God! I surrender this group to you, brother.” He beat a hasty retreat as Ryn Dane closed the distance between them.

Just over six feet in height, and muscled, Ryn had dark red hair that was brushed back from a handsome human face.

He narrowed his gaze at Talyn before he glanced to Morra and Qory. “Anyone speak the Trassel dialect of Caronese?”

They all three held up their hands.

Ryn smiled. “Excellent. No one else here does.” He inclined his head to Talyn. “You must be Jayne’s sexy baby.”

Talyn let out an irritated breath before he nodded.

Ryn laughed and clapped him on the arm. “Don’t worry. My mother still cuts my meat for me, too.”

Morra jerked her chin toward Ryn before she explained his job to Talyn. “He’s the Tavali Ambassador.”

“Yeah,” Ryn sighed. “I’m the only one of the few who can legally parlay between the Tavali groups and sovereign empires.”

Talyn frowned. “Why is that?”

“While my mother is Hermione Dane, notorious Tavali leader, my father was the Caronese governor, Drux Cruel.”

Talyn remembered Morra telling him as much. “I’m surprised Jayne didn’t send your brother over for this, too.”

“She probably would have, but he’s lending aid to Jayne and crew, while they go after Jullien eton Anatole.”

Which brought Talyn back to his earlier concern. “Is our intel correct? I thought Jullien was in custody?”

Ryn gave a subtle nod. “Only very recently… Now follow me.”

They’d just started down a hallway when another group of Tavali came marching toward them.

Ryn motioned for Talyn, Morra, and Qory to stop. “There a problem?”

“Venik wants a word with your friends.” The Tavali’s gaze narrowed on Talyn. “In particular, the Andarion.”

“That’ll be hard to do since he’s mute.”

“Look, Dane. We’re just following orders. Whatever High Admiral Venik wants, High Admiral Venik gets. Right now, he wants your friends. Hand them over.”

Ryn let out a disgusted sigh. “Venik can kiss my hairy ass.” Faster than anyone could follow, he pulled his blaster from its holster and opened fire. “Fall back!” he ordered Talyn and Qory.

Where? Talyn stared at two corridors, unsure of which one to take.

Just as he started to ask, Ryn grabbed Talyn’s sleeve and hauled him toward the one on their left. “The queen Copyright 2016 - 2024