Born of Defiance - Sherrilyn Kenyon Page 0,143

“Give him Prinum and stitch the wound.”

The doctor sneered at her. “You’re a student —”

“Who knows your patient. Trust me, Doctor. If you don’t do what he wants, when he wakes – and he will – you won’t be happy. The Iron Hammer is an Andarion with a steel will and terrifying temper. The Prinum will heal him.”

Growling in anger, he obeyed.

Felicia teasingly touched the tip of Talyn’s nose. “Now play nice and don’t bite the doctor.” As she started to leave, the doctor’s voice stopped her.

“Don’t you dare step one foot outside this room until I’m done with him. You’re the only one he listens to.”

She snorted at that. “He doesn’t listen to me, either. If he did, he wouldn’t have been hurt.”

Talyn reached out for her.

She took his hand and kissed his open palm. “You really are more trouble than you’re worth.”

He ignored her playful chastisement. “Did you call my mom?”

“No. I figured you only needed one female yelling at you at a time.”

“Thank you.” He grimaced as the doctor began stitching his wound.

Felicia sucked her breath in sharply. “Please tell me you took a local.”

“He refused it,” the doctor mumbled. “Apparently, he likes pain.”

She sighed heavily. “What am I going to do with you?”

“Keep loving me… I hope.” He held such a sweet, vulnerable look in his eyes that she had to smile.

“Always that.”

His grip tightened on her hand.

“I wish you’d take something.”

Talyn shook his head. “So long as Eriadne and Jullien are on the run, you, my mother, and your family are in danger. I will not lie in a bed and sleep until I know you’re all safe from harm.”

The doctor gentled his touch. “Is that why you’ve been so difficult?”

Talyn nodded.

The doctor glanced over to his assisting nurse. “Give him thirty RTs of Strisassin.”

“What is that?” Talyn growled.

Felicia stroked his hand to calm him. “It’s a local that won’t make you drowsy.”

“But it will numb the pain until the Prinum works.” The doctor grimaced at the depth of Talyn’s wound. “You’re lucky the medics repaired your artery. I’d still rather have you on the table, yet I understand why you want back into battle, and I commend you for it. I lost my sister to the Anatoles.” He met Talyn’s gaze sincerely. “I’ll have you on your feet within an hour… And next time, son, don’t just growl at us. Let us know why you’re being an ass.”

Talyn let out a stern growl as he lifted his jacket so Felicia could examine his ragged wound. He needed to rendezvous with her brother and get a status update. While he adored her, he needed to go.


She cast a nasty glare at him before she kissed the skin above the wound and slapped his ass. Hard. “Mess with me and I’ll shoot you myself to keep you home.”

Snorting at her empty threat, he straightened his uniform and sealed his armor over his healing injury. “Satisfied?”

“Not even a little.” She handed him his helmet.

The sad fear in her eyes gave him pause. Cupping her cheek, he offered her a smile. “It’s Jullien we’re after now. He won’t attack the way Chrisen did.”

“How do you know?”

“He’s not that smart or that brave.” He gave her a deep kiss that conveyed his own fear for her safety. Then, he gently rubbed his nose against hers. “I want you naked in my bed on my return,” he whispered.

She nodded. “Don’t shatter my heart, Talyn.”

He swallowed hard against the sudden lump in his throat that was caused by those words. It was said that when two Andarions were really in love and divinely unified, if one of them should die, it shattered the heart of the survivor. It was why stralen males seldom lived more than a day after the death of their wives.

Trembling with what he felt for her, he took her hand in his and led it to his chest so that she could feel his heartbeat through his red armor plate. “I will forever be your bitch, couriana.”

She rolled her eyes and pushed playfully against his chest. “And here I thought you’d say something sweet in return. I should have known better.”

Talyn started to leave her on that note, but stopped himself. This could very well be the last time he ever saw her in this life.

Before he could think better of it, he pulled the glove off his hand and took hers. He lifted her hand so that he could kiss her palm. Felicia’s gaze fell to Copyright 2016 - 2024