Born of Defiance - Sherrilyn Kenyon Page 0,142

have a transport at the entrance.”

She ran to the front of the building as fast as she could.

Once she was inside the transport with Lorens and Qory, Felicia started to call his mother, but didn’t want to upset her until she knew more details about Talyn’s condition. Terrified, she clutched her link and prayed as they rushed through the streets that were still littered with remnants of the political shift in power.

Much of the rioting had stopped once word of Tylie’s official ascension had reached their media. While no one shed a tear for Eriadne or Jullien, many respected both of the tizirahie. Tylie because of a vicious attack her own sister, Irenie, had made against Tylie when Tylie was only thirteen, and Cairistiona for being the one who’d saved Tylie’s life by brutally slaughtering Irenie for her treachery.

Now all that appeared to be left of the overthrow was the cleanup.

As soon as they reached the hospital, Felicia ran inside. She reached the nurses’ station at the same time the doors opened to admit Talyn and the medics who were trying to save his life.

She rushed to his side.

A soldier started to push her back.

Talyn held his hand out to her. “Felicia?”

Only then did the soldier let her pass. Tears blurred her vision as she took his hand. “You’ve got to find a safer, saner occupation.”

He choked on a laugh.

“I love you, Talyn.”

He squeezed her hand. “Love you.” And then they took him into the OR, leaving her there to stare after them and pray.

Lorens pulled her against him.

She wanted to cry. But this wasn’t the time for tears. Felicia forced her emotions down as she called a nurse over. “We have the same blood type. If he needs a transfusion —”

“No need, Ger Tarra.” The nurse jerked her chin toward the door. “We already have a list of volunteers, with more calling in even as we speak.”

Dumbfounded, Felicia gaped at the sight of thirty-five Andarion soldiers in the waiting room who’d followed the medics in. And as her gaze swept them, they offered a salute. At first she assumed it was for her brother, until one of the soldiers came forward and removed his helmet.

He bowed before her. “It is an honor to meet the commander’s female. If you need anything, Ger Tarra, let us know.”

Scowling, she glanced at Lorens. “I don’t understand.”

The soldier straightened. He glanced at the others before he spoke. “Before we moved in, the commander, who has more reason than any to want to brutalize the entire royal family, secured their innocents without conflict. Then after he was assaulted by a coward, he held the knife in his side to keep the rest of us from being harmed. Commander Batur is the most honorable Andarion I’ve ever served under. We are here to guard both of you with our lives.”

A tear slid down her cheek. “Thank you, Colonel…”


“Verrus. It is my honor to meet you.”

He gave both her and Lorens a salute before he took up post at the OR doors.

This time, Felicia didn’t have to wait long before a frazzled orderly came rushing through the doors.

“Is there a Tara Felicia here?”

Felicia sighed as she realized what must have happened. She rose and went to him. “I’m Felicia.”

“Are you squeamish?”

“No. I’m a med student.”

“Thank the gods. You’ve got to do something with your male! He’s impossible.”

She suppressed a smile as she followed the female through the doors, down the hallway, and to the table where the doctor was attempting to treat Talyn while he cursed them for it. She heard him long before she saw him.

“Keramon?” Felicia chided in a patient tone. “What are you doing?” She moved to stand by his side.

“Tell them to stitch the damn wound and give me Prinum!”

Felicia narrowed her eyes at him before she glanced to the images on the monitors of his injuries. She looked over to the doctor. “Are those Talyn’s?”

“Yes. As you can see, he has a lot of tissue damage —”

“Stitch the damned thing closed! Now!”

She tsked at Talyn’s shout. “Are you a doctor?” she asked him like a mother to an angry toddler.

“No,” he said sullenly.

She met the gaze of the anesthesiologist. “What all have you given him?”

“Enough to choke a rhino. I can’t believe he’s still conscious.”

When she looked at Talyn, she saw the raw determination in his gaze.

“I need to be on my feet, Felicia… please.”

She stroked his whiskered cheek. There was no missing the feral determination in his gaze.

Finally, she relented. Copyright 2016 - 2024