Born of Defiance - Sherrilyn Kenyon Page 0,124

I tell him you attacked his youngest daughter, you son of a bitch!”

Anatole gulped audibly.

Lorens sneered at him. “If I were you, I’d pray for the mercy of facing Talyn in the Ring. Gods help you if my father gets his hands on you!” He stepped back. “Take him to the brig before I let the lieutenant have him with my blessings.”

Once they were gone, he turned on Talyn. “How could you keep this from me?”

“I promised Felicia I would let her tell you. With the exception of the one bruise and being shaken up, she was unharmed. Had I known he was the one who did it, I promise you, I’d have ripped his throat out. She kept that knowledge from both of us.”

“And you left her unprotected?”

Talyn growled at him. “Hell, no! What kind of Andarion do you think I am that I’d leave my female alone to be harmed?”

Only then did Lorens calm down. “Who’s with her?”

“She has Sentella guards. Two of them. One even larger than me.”


“Of course. I’d have gone AWOL before I put her in harm’s way.”

Finally calming a degree, Lorens stepped back. “Are the guards why you agreed to those additional fights I heard about on the news?”

Talyn looked away, unsure of what to say.

“I want the whole truth of what’s going on. I’m her brother, Talyn. Granted, we haven’t always gotten along or been close, but I am the head of our generation. She falls under my direct protection. It is my honor and duty to ensure her safety.”

“Then why did you allow her to become a companion?”

Rage darkened Lorens’s eyes. “Don’t you dare take that tone with me, soldier! I didn’t know what she was doing. She didn’t come to me before she signed up for it. Not that I owe you an explanation. But that’s the truth. Now you answer my questions.”

“I agreed to those fights to pay off her contract so that her agency couldn’t force her to sleep with Anatole or someone else she didn’t want to.”

Lorens gaped. “Excuse me? Are you saying that my sister is living in your home without a legal contract?”

How stupid did Lorens think he was? “Relax. It’s her home now. My name’s off the lease. Completely. I’m not an idiot. I gave her the condo, free and clear. She’s in no kind of legal danger. I’ve been doing everything I can to protect her.”

“Except call me.”

“She’s my female,” Talyn snarled. “It’s my responsibility to keep her safe.”

“But she’s not your female, Talyn. Not without blood or contract.”

Talyn ground his teeth and clenched his fists to keep from punching Lorens for speaking a truth that shredded his heart. Lorens was right. For Talyn to go near her now risked a jail sentence for both of them.

In that moment, he hated Fain Hauk more than he ever had for denying him his birthright.

A tic started in Lorens’s jaw. “You really gave her that condo?”

“I don’t need it. Really didn’t think I’d live long enough to see it again, as I was sure I’d punch Anatole when I got here.” He flexed his bleeding hand. “And look,” he said drily. “I did.”

Lorens snorted. “You got balls, Batur. I’ll give you that. Short on brains, but long on balls.” Hands on hips, he faced Talyn. “How much did buying her contract set you back?”

“A little over half a million.”

Lorens let out a low whistle. “You paid that and demanded nothing in return?”

“I love your sister.”

“Well gods, I would hope so, considering the fact that you’ve given up several million dollars and are paying who knows what for her security.” Lorens narrowed his gaze on Talyn. “You really have Sentella guarding her?”

He nodded. “Two of their best. A Qillaq and a Phrixian.”

With a stern frown, Lorens scratched at his chin. “Good choice. Two races Anatole won’t be able to intimidate.”

“And both have diplomatic immunity from the Caronese embassy for anything they might do to the royals in their protection of Felicia.”

“How did you swing that?”

“I know people in low places who know people in high ones.”

He snorted a short laugh. “You must. I had no idea you had any connection to The Sentella or the Caronese royal house.”

Talyn shrugged. “I don’t give up secrets.”

“No, you don’t. And that’s a rare thing, indeed.” Lorens sighed. “I’m putting you back on leave until I have a doctor’s clearance in my hands.”

“Commander —”

“You want to be on duty?”

“Not really. But —”

“Go, Batur. Take the leave until I get this sorted Copyright 2016 - 2024