Born of Defiance - Sherrilyn Kenyon Page 0,123

back to the captain. “You’re dismissed… Batur, walk with me.”

“Yes, sir.” Folding his hands behind his back, Talyn followed Lorens.

As soon as they were alone, Lorens relaxed his formality. “Felicia told me that you were called in. I got here as fast as I could. How’s it going?”

“It is what it is, sir.”

Lorens snorted. “Gods, you are military. You probably bleed red and black.” He paused to face Talyn. His gaze went to Talyn’s epaulettes that bore his new rank. “I’m going to get you back on palace duty. We need someone in there.”

“I wish you luck with that, sir. I really do.”


Talyn flinched as he heard Anatole’s nasal voice. Locking his jaw to keep from saying anything, he turned and forced himself to salute the bastard, even though what he really wanted to do was plant his fist in Anatole’s haughty face.

Anatole completely ignored him to salute Lorens, who was obviously put out by his appearance. His gaze slid to Talyn before he snapped his attention back to Lorens. “May I ask why you’re here, sir?”

“That’s no concern of yours.”

Anatole sputtered. “I’m his CO… sir.”

“And I’m the second-in-command of the entire armada. I don’t believe I need your permission to speak with Batur.”

He panicked. “Whatever he’s telling you is a lie. I don’t know if you’re aware of it, but this is retaliation.”

Lorens arched an intrigued brow. “For?”

“My aunt, the tadara, busted his rank for insubordination. So the allegations he’s making against me are all lies.”

“All allegations made by any officer, regardless of rank, must be heard and fully investigated. You know that.” Lorens tried to lead Talyn away from Anatole.

“I didn’t touch his whore!”

Talyn froze where he stood as those words went through him like a hot, searing knife.


No, he didn’t…

It’s death to strike a member of the royal house…

Fuck it.

Whirling, Talyn gave in to the demon inside him. He slugged the bastard with everything he had. And he would have done more had Lorens not pushed him back and blocked his access to Anatole as three provosts rushed forward with weapons drawn on him. His breathing ragged, Talyn tried to push past Lorens without hurting the male.

“Talyn!” Lorens snapped as he put himself between them. “Get ahold of yourself! Their weapons are set to kill, not stun!”

That finally sank in. Still craving blood, Talyn held his hands up and fought the urge to kick the bastard, who was laughing as he wiped the blood from his lips.

“You’re going to pay for that, Lieutenant. With your life. Then, I’m going to find out for myself if your whore was worth it.”

Talyn went for him again, but the guards blocked his path.

“Take him to lockup!” Anatole ordered.

“Halt!” His face mirroring Talyn’s rage, Lorens turned back toward Anatole. If the idiot had an ounce of preservation, he would have seen the fury in Lorens’s eyes that matched Talyn’s, and run for cover.

“Is he talking about Felicia?” Lorens asked Talyn coldly.

Trying his best not to leap again for Anatole’s throat, Talyn gave a subtle nod.

“What happened?”

Talyn ground his teeth. This was not how he’d planned for Lorens to find out about the attack. Of course, the plan had been for him not to find out at all. Felicia’s explicit order was to keep her brother out of it since they didn’t know who had done it.


“I order you, Batur. Tell me what he’s talking about!”

“Someone attacked Felicia on her way home, and tried to pull her into a transport. She said it happened so fast, she didn’t know who it was.”

“The bruise on her face that she told me came from a doorjamb?”

Overwhelmed by rage at the reminder, Talyn went for Anatole again. One of the guards shot at him, narrowly missing his head.

“Stop!” Lorens ordered all of them.

“He’s lying!” Chrisen snarled. “I didn’t touch his whore!”

Lorens lunged.

This time, Talyn stopped him. “Think of your children. Since I’m already going to jail. Let my execution be for his murder.”

“Oh, I’m going to avenge my sister.” Lorens glared at Anatole. “You motherfucker! No one touches a member of my family! How dare you!”

Anatole paled. “What?”

“Felicia is my sister, you stupid whoreson! Talyn hadn’t even mentioned you. Contrary to what you think, you are not the center of anyone’s universe except the sorry Andarion bitchtress who shit you out!” Lorens pointed to Anatole. “Arrest him!”

The guards did so without question.

“You can’t do this!” Anatole snarled. “I’m the tadara’s nephew!”

“And my paran sits to her right hand. How do you think he’ll react when Copyright 2016 - 2024