Born of Defiance - Sherrilyn Kenyon Page 0,120

and let her know that The Sentella has your back.”

As Jayne wandered off, his military armband started buzzing.

“What the hell?” Talyn pulled out his link and called in to base.

Felicia could tell by his face that it was another outrageous demand.

His frown deepened. “I’m still under medical leave.” He paused to listen. “Yes, sir. I’m on my way.”

“What is it?”

“Apparently, my health is fine for a lieutenant’s duty assignments. I have an hour to report to post or be considered AWOL.”

“This is ridiculous!”

He sighed heavily. “Yeah, well. Can’t really argue. They always win.”

Felicia ground her teeth as she watched his labored gait. He was still in a lot of pain, though he had thankfully refused meds. Otherwise, Anatole would have him punished for it. No wonder Talyn was so paranoid.

Furious about this, she went to call her brother, who was every bit as pissed off about it as she was.

“Did the doctor clear him for active duty?”

“No. We were there just yesterday and I saw the file myself. The doctor said it would be at least three more weeks before Talyn would be fit to call in and request reactivation.”

“Where’s Talyn now?”


“Have him report, and I’ll meet him at the base. I don’t want to give them any reason to take more action against him.”

“Thank you, Lorens.”

“Anytime, little sis.”

Hanging up, she went to find Talyn pulling on his boots. While he looked gorgeous in his red and black uniform, she hated that he had to wear it. Worse, she had a bad feeling in her stomach about what was waiting for him when he returned to duty. “Where are you stationed now?”

He rose and reached for his beret. “Back to Anatole Base.”

Under Anatole’s direct command. She wanted to curse. “Barracks restriction again?”

“We’re not married, so I have no choice. I don’t know what my new schedule is. I’ll e-mail it to you as soon as I do.” Pulling her against him, he kissed her. “I wish I’d known last night was all we’d have. I wouldn’t have gone to sleep.”

Felicia blinked back the tears in her eyes. Tears that made her voice thick from the pain she felt over his leaving. “Please be careful.”

“You, too. Don’t leave without your guard.”

“I won’t. I wish I could send Qorach to protect you.”

“Yeah, that wouldn’t go over well. Besides, I don’t need it. I can take care of myself.” He tightened his arms around her. “I miss you already.”

Taking a deep breath in her hair, he released her. “Your broker sent over the severance forms yesterday. I was going to give them to you at dinner.” His brow furrowed by wistful longing, he twisted his finger in her hair. “You are officially released from their agency. Heads up, there’s a nasty cover letter to remind you that if you continue an unsanctioned relationship with me, you will be considered a whore, and they’ll be forced to report you as an unlicensed prostitute. They’ve graciously, according to their words, granted you thirty days to reconsider and return to them before they file with the courts. Just FYI, I went to the management office yesterday and transferred complete ownership of the condo over to you.”

She gaped at his unexpected gift. “Why?”

“We have no papers or contract now, Felicia. If you’re living in my condo without them, we’ll both be arrested. Since I don’t have any personal items here, and my official address is with the armada, it was the easiest solution. You don’t have to worry about payments for it. I don’t have any. I bought it outright. It’s all yours. You can do whatever you want with it.”

Agony tore through her at the anguished note in his voice. “This sounds like a good-bye.”

He swallowed hard. “I don’t know what it is. Honestly. But if something happens to me, I wanted to make sure that you’re taken care of.”

Her tears fell down her cheeks. “Talyn —”

“Shh.” He silenced her with another kiss as he wiped away the tears. “You know I’m stralen for you, Felicia. Your life is far more important to me than mine is. And I understand that you don’t have the same feelings for me that I have for you. I accept that. We both know we can’t marry. And I’m the armada’s and Anatole’s bitch. I would never blame you if you left me. It’s the smart thing to do. I just… I want you to be happy.”

“You’re what makes me happy. I’m going to find some way around this, Talyn. Copyright 2016 - 2024