Born of Defiance - Sherrilyn Kenyon Page 0,119

my men green. And not just behind their ears.” Morra began unpacking an insane amount of firearms and weaponry Felicia couldn’t even identify, nor had she any idea the female had strapped that amount underneath her clothes.

“Should I ask?”

“Sentella. We fight hard.” She looked up with a wicked grin. “And I fight to win.”

“You sound a lot like Talyn. I’m beginning to think I should be worried.”

Morra laughed. “Relax, sweetie. I have a very strict dating code. I would never take another female’s heart. Besides, the way he looks at you… he doesn’t even know I possess female body parts. Trust me. I could walk in butt naked, shake it in his face, and his only question would be, ‘Have you seen Felicia?’ ”

Snorting, Felicia shook her head. “I know we just met, but I really like you.”

“It’s the green thing. Me and fungi. We grow on things fast.”

“Yeah, right. I’m glad you’re the ones Jayne brought. I doubt anyone else would be half as entertaining… I’ll let you get settled. When you and Qorach are ready, let me know and I’ll show you around.”


Felicia returned to the gym to find Talyn sitting with his back to her and drinking water while he and Jayne had a rather loud discussion.

“Keep the creds, boy. Don’t you even insult me with that! You’re not taking money from me or my family, and I include The Sentella with that. And I’m not taking money from you. Your mother told me they reduced your pay.”

“I didn’t ask for charity, Jayne.”

“And I’m not giving you any. What am I, a stranger?”

“No, but —”

“No buts. You and your mom are my family, too. What you love, I love. What threatens you, threatens me. It’s that simple, T. So don’t argue or I’ll put you over my knee and spank you. I don’t care how big you think you are.”

He laughed. “You’ve never spanked me.”

Smiling, Jayne rubbed his arm. “It’s so weird to see you grown now. And with facial hair, no less. I still think of you as that studious little boy who sat so quietly in the corner of my room. Never making a peep. Always doing his work without prompting.”

She brushed her hand over the faded bruises on his face. “I know many of the secrets you hide, Talyn. I’ve seen you stand strong against the maelstrom that would tear anyone else apart. But I also know the toll it takes to do that. While you are stronger than anyone I know, and I include Nemesis in that list, you’re not invincible. I’ve been through and survived torture, too. I know how long it takes to get over the nightmares. Have you been sleeping at all?”

“Not really.”

“Anxiety issues? Panic attacks?”

He gave a subtle nod. “Anger outbursts, too, that lead to… you know. It’s why I was working out. I was hoping to burn it out of my system.”

“Have you told Felicia?”


“She needs to know, Baby T. Nothing heals like the touch of a loved one.”

“I don’t want to burden her.”

“You’re not a burden.” Felicia stepped forward to let them know she was there. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to eavesdrop. I just wanted to make sure that Talyn was following my orders.”

Talyn flinched. “How much did you hear?”

“That you’re having nightmares and not telling me about them. What’s going on?”

He passed an irritated glare at Jayne. “It’s nothing.”

“Talyn… I’m not going to judge you. There’s not a weak atom in your entire body and I know it. But you are Andarion. You are sentient and have feelings. There’s no shame in admitting that.”

He grimaced at her. “Really don’t want to talk about it. Just want to forget it happened. Okay? That’s how I deal with things. Can’t change it. Move forward. There’s no need to dwell on shit you can’t fix.”

She wrapped her arms around his waist. “Okay. I’ll never bring it up again. But if you need me, I am here and I will listen without prejudice or judgment.”

Jayne smiled at her. “You found a rare good one, T. Good job.”

He frowned at Jayne. “Gah, you still sound like a teacher, who’s grading me. Or even worse…” He made the noise of a circus animal and clapped his hands together.

Jayne laughed. “Can’t help it. And you better be glad I don’t have any raw fish to hand-feed you. Or I’d make you choke on it.” She popped the side of his leg, then kissed his cheek. “Let me go check in with your mom Copyright 2016 - 2024