The Bookstore on the Beach - Brenda Novak Page 0,154

The Bookstore on the Beach

Brenda Novak

Reader’s Guide

Questions for Discussion

The story follows three main female points of view—Mary, Autumn and Taylor. Were you more interested in one of their stories over the others’? Whose, and why?

Could you identify with any one character over the others, and why?

What did you think of Mary/Bailey’s history? Have you heard about stories like this in the news, and what do you make of them?

Did you feel Mary should form a connection with Tammy, or should she have left that whole part of her past behind?

Did you feel as though Mary should’ve been open to forgiving Nora? Why or why not? Did you see what was coming with that part of the story before it happened?

Taylor faces a lot of big life changes for a seventeen-year-old throughout the course of one summer. What did you find most compelling about her storyline? How would you have reacted as her mother?

What did you think of Autumn’s decision in the end? Did you agree with what—and who—she chose? Why or why not?

Did you have a favorite scene in the novel? What was it? Why was it your favorite?

If you were to cast the movie version of The Bookstore on the Beach, who would you choose to play each character?

A Conversation with the Author

What inspired you to write The Bookstore on the Beach?

I wanted to write a big, beefy escapist read—something I would love to devour while sitting on a beach somewhere. Because I’d already written about three sisters in One Perfect Summer, I thought it would be a nice change to write about three generations of women—a grandmother, a mother and a daughter.

Did you identify with any of the main characters? Who, and how?

I probably identified with Autumn the most, because I’m also in that “between” stage where I’m dealing with both parents and children. I couldn’t help sympathizing with the difficult challenges she faces—and I enjoyed watching her fall in love again, especially with her first crush. I love second-chance-at-love stories.

Where did you get the idea for Mary’s backstory?

I live in Northern California, where there was a lot of news coverage of the Jaycee Dugard abduction once she escaped. I was horrified by what I read—that a child could be held captive for so long, even bear her captor’s children while his wife was also living in the house. So much of Mary’s backstory is based on what Jaycee Dugard endured.

Do you have a favorite character in the book? Who is it, and why?

I’m in love with Quinn—and I hope, after finishing this story, you’ll be in love with him, too.

How did you decide on the bookstore setting for the story? Are you a big reader?

A bookstore holds such promise for me. The content of all those volumes yet to be explored is magical, so just walking into one is a pleasure. Actually owning one would be a dream come true. So I was able to pretend to own a bookstore—one that’s set on the beach and looks just the way I’d like mine to look—through the pages of this novel.

What was the most challenging part of writing this book? What was the most enjoyable?

Each character is facing at least one life-changing decision. While I found their conflicts and reactions interesting to explore (the most enjoyable aspect), I also knew I’d set a pretty ambitious goal for myself, weaving these three stories together so that they were cohesive and each scene built on the last (the most challenging aspect).

Can you describe your writing process? Do you tend to outline first or dive right in and figure out the details as you go along?

If I outline in advance, I feel as though I’ve already told the story, and the actual writing becomes drudgery to me. I have to be surprised right along with the reader. Then I’m excited to get to work each day, and the story feels fresh and holds the emotional tension that makes my work so enjoyable for me. It also prevents me from giving away certain elements too soon. (Can you tell I’m not very good at keeping secrets? Ha!)

Can you tell us anything about what you’re working on next?

I’m hard at work on When I Found You, a romance, which is the latest addition to my Silver Springs series, and I’m having such a wonderful time. This book involves two characters from my Whiskey Creek series—one of them has moved to Silver Springs—and it’s wonderful to work with them again. While those who haven’t read my Whiskey Creek series won’t even realize that these characters come from a previous series, I will also get to finish a plotline that many of my readers have been waiting years to get back to, so I think it’s going to be a win all around.

ISBN-13: 9781488058950

The Bookstore on the Beach

Copyright © 2021 by Brenda Novak, Inc.

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, businesses, companies, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

This edition published by arrangement with Harlequin Books S.A.

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