The Bookstore on the Beach - Brenda Novak Page 0,152

starting to show, could barely button her shorts and pants even though she hadn’t gained much weight yet. She was relieved she didn’t have to face anyone she knew in Tampa as her waist thickened. She hadn’t told any of them, other than Oliver, that she was pregnant, doubted she ever would. Danielle and the other kids were surprised she hadn’t come home, but she’d painted Sable Beach as such a great place to live that they’d let it go at that. She was leaving her childhood behind and moving on—and although it was scary and new, it was sort of exciting, too.

She’d been looking forward to seeing her parents. But when Autumn arrived yesterday, she’d shown up without Nick, even though he’d initially said he’d be coming with her, and her smile no longer reached her eyes. She talked, even laughed at the appropriate times, but she seemed...hollow inside.

“She’s depressed,” Sierra had said when Taylor mentioned it to her on the phone late last night.

“Because of Quinn?”

“Maybe. How would you feel if you had to give me up and go back to your old boyfriend in Tampa?”

“It’s not the same thing,” Taylor argued. “My parents never broke up.”

“They were apart for almost two years. Anyway, I don’t know if it’s because of Quinn, but she’s definitely unhappy. I could tell the second I saw her at dinner.”

Taylor hadn’t wanted to hear that. Now that her father was home, she wanted her parents to stay together and be happy. But she knew Sierra was right. Caden had told Taylor about the many arguments their parents were having and how difficult it was at home. He’d said their mother had a hard time getting out of bed, and when she did, she walked around in her pajamas for most of the day.

As soon as Taylor had shared that with Sierra, Sierra had freaked out. “That isn’t right,” she’d insisted. “You need to do something. You don’t want her to end up like my mother, do you?”

Taylor didn’t think Autumn would ever take her own life, but just in case she was feeling that bad, Taylor watched her extra closely at the funeral. Her mother had lost weight. She was skinnier than Taylor had ever seen her. She didn’t seem to be interested in food—had barely touched what was on her plate last night.

Sierra claimed that was another sign of depression.

Her mother caught her staring and gave her one of those fake smiles. Autumn was pretending that everything was okay, but Taylor could tell it wasn’t. Taylor had texted Caden before bed last night to see why their father hadn’t come, and he’d said that Autumn had tearfully admitted that she needed a break.

When Taylor looked across the room at Quinn, she saw a similar, empty expression on his face. His mother had just died, so she expected him to be sad. But he’d been this way since Autumn left. They both seemed like shells of their former selves. Taylor liked Quinn. He was still nice to her if she ever happened to see him. But she could tell he wasn’t the same after her mother left, either.

The pastor was talking about what a wonderful life Mrs. Vanderbilt had lived when Taylor leaned over to whisper in Sierra’s ear. “I have to do it, don’t I.”

Sierra knew what she was talking about, didn’t even have to ask. “I would.”

“But...what about my father?”

“I wouldn’t want her to stay with me if she didn’t love me anymore, would you?” Sierra replied.

She wouldn’t, no. But it was easy to say that when she wasn’t the one who was hurting. Nick had already been through so much. Taylor didn’t want to make it worse. And yet...

Mimi leaned around Autumn to give her a scowl that said she shouldn’t be talking, so Taylor fell silent. But she continued to study her mother and Quinn. Even at the graveside, when they lowered the coffin, they kept glancing at each other but then quickly looking away.

As soon as it was over, Autumn said, “Well, we’d better get going.” But Taylor couldn’t take it anymore. She told Sierra and Mimi that they’d meet them at the car and pulled her mother aside.

“Is something wrong?” Autumn asked.

“You’re not a very good actor,” she replied. “That’s what’s wrong.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“You’re only staying with Dad because of Caden and me.”

“That’s not all of it—” she started, but Taylor cut her off.

“We’ll be fine, Mom. Mimi once told me that Copyright 2016 - 2024