Bonded by Blood - By Laurie London Page 0,44

of thing before. When I arrived, one of my father’s cigarillos was still glowing on the nightstand. Minutes, Chuck. I failed my parents by a few goddamn minutes.”

It was Chuck’s turn to stare into the water. “Why are you so eager to blame Alfonso? He was a young kid mixed up with some unsavory friends.”

“Yes, and those unsavory friends happened to start the whole Darkblood movement. Jesus, Chuck. The correspondence from my mother all but implicated him and the house staff confirmed another person was in the carriage when they were murdered. After I kill Pavlos, I’m going after my brother.”

They sat in silence for a few minutes until Shirl pushed the door open and set a tray of food on a table, breaking the somber mood. They climbed out and Chuck threw Dom a towel from a nearby shelf.

“Was that all you came to talk to me about?” Chuck asked.

“What do you mean?”

“Santiago tells me you’ve met a woman.”

Oh for chrissake. Was nothing private anymore?


A FEW EARLY students filed up the stairs into one of the classrooms, some carrying fresh, unopened art supplies and crisp pads of oversized drawing paper, while others brought dog-eared sketch pads and nubs of well-used charcoals and pencils.

Mackenzie loved the beginning of a new session, the eager anticipation in their faces, the promise hidden on a blank sheet of paper. She finished setting up the last easel and was about to review the class list when Martin walked in.

“Hey, what are you doing here?” she asked. With Martin’s busy schedule, he rarely popped in unannounced.

“I’m meeting Paul here and we’re going out to dinner. Here. I brought you this.” He handed her a Starbucks cup.

She glanced at the clock and guessed she had enough time. She followed him to the hallway and sank into one of the upholstered chairs.

“How’s the new session shaping up so far?” Martin asked. “Classes full?”

“Yes, most of them are and we’ve got wait lists on a couple of them. I think we’ll need to add another session of beginning drawing next term. Although with the school year wrapping up after this session, I’m not sure if kids are going to want to continue through the summer. But let’s remember that when we start planning the fall schedule.”

“That’s fantastic. Have I told you how much I appreciate all you do around here? This place wouldn’t be half as successful without you.” When she said nothing, he kicked the toe of her boot and she looked up. “I’m serious, Kenz.”

“Thanks, I love it. Especially the beginning classes. It’s exciting to see their progress from beginning to end. The kids are especially fun because they tend not to hide their enthusiasm like adults do.”

“I think it’s your passion and enthusiasm that gets people excited.” He took a sip from his cup and leaned back in his chair. “Forgive me for sending you to Dominic’s home?”

“I still can’t believe you didn’t give me a heads-up.” She flicked him playfully with her pencil. “I thought you were my friend.”

“I am, darling. Your BFF.”

“Friends don’t let friends show up at devastatingly gorgeous men’s homes without a warning. What if I had gone to the gym first and was all sweaty and stinky? Did you ever think about that?”

“You don’t work out.”

“But it’s the principle.”

“Sorry, Kenz, but there was something about the two of you and I wanted to help ignite that spark.”

“You’re quite the fairy godmother.”

“Don’t roll your eyes at me, missy. I’m serious. I can’t put my finger on it. There’s like an undercurrent churning between you, just below the surface, and if you don’t dive in, you’ll never get swept away. I just wanted to do my part by pushing you into the water. I’m only sorry nothing came of it.”

“Very poetic. Do you make that stuff up in your sleep and try to find a way to use it?” Mackenzie took off the plastic lid of her cup and dipped a finger into the whipped cream.

“No. I’m naturally gifted that way.”

“I figured Mrs. Thorn-Steuben told him I had posed for the painting. Wasn’t she sitting next to him originally?”

“I rescued him before she sat down. Besides, would it be so bad if he bought it because he did know it was you?”

“In a word—yeah. It’s a nude, Martin. I’m naked in that painting. It makes me feel awkward, that’s all. And to show up clueless on his doorstep—I wanted to throttle you.” Yet although she could barely admit it to herself, Copyright 2016 - 2024