The Bodyguard (Norcross #4) - Anna Hackett Page 0,55

guys can stay here.”

“Sweet,” Liana said. “Sofie, I have a copy of the Young Royals calendar. I was hoping you’d sign it.”

“I’d love to.”

“I could use some tea,” Mrs. Nash muttered.

Rome deposited Sofie in an armchair. “I’ll get it.”

“I’ll help.” His sister followed him out.

Sofie fought the urge to fidget. She leaned forward. “This must come as a bit of a surprise.”

“Mmm,” Mrs. Nash replied.

“Look, Rome is…amazing.” Sofie smiled. “So strong, steady, protective. I have a stalker.” She wrinkled her nose.

Mrs. Nash’s face softened the minutest bit. “I’m sorry.”

“It’s pretty scary, but when I’m with Rome, he makes me feel safe.”

His mother studied her face.

“He sees me. I’m used to feeling like I’m in a fishbowl. People watching your every move, speculating on everything you do, making things up.”

“That sounds horrible.”

Sofie shrugged. “I’m used to it. I realized people only see and believe what they want anyway, regardless of the truth. But Rome, he saw the real me right from the beginning.”

“Sounds like my boy. He’s very observant.”

“He’s amazing.”

Mrs. Nash paused. “He’s strong, but he has his own scars.”

Sofie nodded. “I know. He’s told me about Lola. I’m very sorry for your loss. He’s also told me a little bit about his time in the military.”

“He told you?” Mrs. Nash whispered, her expression full of pain. “About Lolly?”

Sofie nodded. “No one should ever lose a child, especially like that. I know he feels responsible.”

“He was just a baby, shouldering too much responsibility. It was my fault.”

Sofie couldn’t help but rest her hand on the woman’s knee. “It’s not your fault, either. It’s the fault of the predator who took her. You were doing the best you could in what I suspect was a difficult situation.”

Mrs. Nash dragged in a shaky breath. “He really talked about her?”

Sofie smiled. “He told me that she loved to sing.”

A sad smile crossed Mrs. Nash his face. “She did. Sofie…Rome hasn’t talked about Lola since we lost her.”

Sofie’s chest locked. “Oh.”

Mrs. Nash’s gaze turned speculative. “So, you’re here for the jewelry exhibition. Lia told me all about it. She’s hoping to find a ticket.”

“I can get tickets. It’s raising money for my charity, the Victoria Foundation.”

Mrs. Nash’s eyes widened. “I’ve heard of it. I work at a local shelter back home in Atlanta. The Foundation helped several of our residents, including a friend of mine. She was escaping a bad marriage.”

“That’s exactly what I’d hoped for when I started it.” Sofie sank back in the chair. “I lost my best friend because of an act of unspeakable violence. I wanted to help other women like her, Mrs. Nash.”

Rome’s mother held Sofie’s gaze, and they shared a beat of understanding.

“Please, call me Violet.”

“Only if you call me Sofie.”

Chapter Sixteen

Back at the Marina house, Rome did a lap of the outside, staring across at the Palace of Fine Arts. He couldn’t argue that it was a top-notch location.

His mom and sister were happily staying at his place. Yesterday, they’d spent the afternoon chatting with Sofie. He’d watched his princess win them over.

She’d also signed the damn calendar for his sister, and gotten them both tickets, not only for the jewelry exhibition, but the sold-out gala, as well.

He’d overheard Sofie telling his sister that she could borrow jewelry, too.

The gala was tonight.

Rome blew out a breath. Sofie was inside doing yoga. This time, in the formal living area, and not on the roof terrace.

A heavy sense of dread settled on him. Being in the military, he’d learned that trusting your gut could make the difference between life and death.

The Black Fox gang would strike tonight.

The stalker would attack tonight.

Everyone was targeting Rome’s woman.

Well, they’d have to go through him to get to her.

An X6 pulled up and Vander and Saxon climbed out.

“Hey,” Vander said.

Rome lifted his chin.

Saxon eyed the house. “Nice place.”

“How’s Sofie?” Vander asked.

“Good. She shook off the Palace Hotel attack like it was just a bad shopping trip.”

“She’s tough,” Saxon said. “Didn’t know they made princesses from titanium.”

Vander was watching Rome steadily. “You’re worried.”

“I’ve been over everything for tonight too many times to count.” He’d stayed up late, with Sofie asleep in the bed beside him. That was after he’d made love to her. He knew he’d been rough, worry and desperation making him edgy. Not that she’d minded. Hell, she’d liked it.

He’d triple and quadruple checked the security plans for the gala.

“Well,” Saxon said. “Easton pulled some strings.”

Rome frowned.

“We’re all coming tonight,” Vander said. “Saxon and Gia, Haven and Rhys, Easton and Harlow, Ace.”

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