The Bodyguard (Norcross #4) - Anna Hackett Page 0,54

groan. No way.

He opened the door. “What are you two doing here?”

His mom and sister pushed inside.

“Surprise,” Liana said.

His mother eyed his shirtless chest. “Why aren’t you wearing a shirt?”

Shit. Rome glanced toward the bedroom.

“We stopped at the Norcross office,” his mom said. “Vander said you were working from home.”

Thanks for the warning, Vander.

“And guarding Princess Sofia of Caldova!” Lia clapped her hands, her voice excited. “It’s so cool. I’d love it if she’d sign my Young Royals calendar.”

He heard footsteps on the stairs.

“Rome, do you want—?” Sofie froze halfway down the steps. Her eyes were wide, like a deer in headlights.

Hell, she was still only wearing his shirt, her hair loose and her face flushed.

She looked like she’d been well fucked.

His mother’s and sister’s mouths dropped open.

Sofie didn’t know what to do. Here she was, naked except for Rome’s shirt, and there were two women she’d never met staring at her.

“Sofie,” Rome rumbled. “This is my mother, Violet Nash, and my sister, Liana.”

His sister. And his mother.

Both women looked like they’d been hit with a pole.

Sofie didn’t need him to introduce them to see that they were related. His mother had the same green eyes as Rome, and his sister had the feminine version of his features.

Mrs. Nash was tall, with a curvy body, and her short hair was a mass of tight, dark curls. Liana was an inch shorter than her mother, a lot curvier, and her black hair was straightened and in a ponytail.

Sofie shook off her shock and embarrassment. “Hello, I’m Princess Sofia.”

Rome came to her and wrapped an arm around her waist. It helped her fight the urge to flee.

“Mom, Lia, this is Sofie.”

His sister curtsied. “Your Highness.”

“Please, it’s just Sofie.” She held out a hand.

Rome’s mom shook it gingerly. Sofie saw something working behind the woman’s green eyes.

Liana shook it enthusiastically. “It is so great to meet you. I’m a huge fan.”

Sofie smiled. “Rome’s been wonderful. He’s been taking such good care of me.”

“Uh-huh,” Mrs. Nash drawled.

Heat poured into Sofie’s cheeks. “I’ll just…go and change.”

Rome’s fingers squeezed hers, and she managed a smile before she fled.

She stopped in the middle of his bedroom. Oh, God. She quickly changed. Oh, God. She repaired her makeup, and pulled her hair back into a braid. She tried to tamp down the embarrassment. Oh, God.

When she headed toward the stairs, she heard voices.

“What the hell are you doing, Rome Alexander Nash?” his mother bit out.

His middle name was Alexander. Sofie liked it.


“You’re sleeping with a princess!”


“Are you crazy? You’re her bodyguard. You’re her employee. You’re a simple boy from Georgia, and she’s a very rich, very well-known princess.”

“Mom, keep your voice down.”

“She’s toying with you. You’re just a fun diversion, then she’ll dump your ass and move onto the next hot body. You want to be left with a broken heart?”

Sofie’s stomach worked into knots and she pressed a hand to it.

“Can I talk now?” Rome asked dryly.

“Let her run out of steam, brother,” Liana said.

“I did not raise a stupid boy,” Mrs. Nash continued.

“Mom, I’m not sleeping with the princess. To me, she’s just Sofie.”

Sofie leaned against the doorjamb, her heart melting.

“You can’t separate the two,” his mother said. “And don’t tell me that your emotions aren’t involved. I can see it a mile away.”

Sofie’s heart leaped in her throat. Really?

“Mom, I like her a lot. She is smart, sweet, kind—”

“Beautiful,” Liana added. “Rich.”

Sofie heard Rome growl. “I know she’s way out of my league. I’ll enjoy the time we have together.”

Her heart shriveled. That sounded temporary. Was she just a good time to him? It was painful to breathe. Especially when she realized that she was falling in love with him.

Oh, goodness, she was falling in love with Rome. She moved her hand to her chest, felt her heart beating hard.

“You’re making a mistake,” his mom said.

“Keep your voice down,” Rome said. “She’ll hear you.”

Too late.

“You think she doesn’t know all of this already?”

“Mom, she isn’t Dad.”

Sofie backed into the bedroom and took a few deep breaths. She’d have to think this through. Later. If she could handle the pain.

She headed out, stomping loudly this time so they’d hear her coming.

In the living room the conversation stopped. Sofie pinned on her princess smile. As she descended the stairs, Rome looked at her mouth and scowled. When she got to the bottom of the stairs, he pulled her under his arm.

“Sofie and I are going back to her rental house later. Vander’s increased the security there. You Copyright 2016 - 2024