The Bodyguard (Norcross #4) - Anna Hackett Page 0,24

Mattson. We’re thrilled to have you on Good Morning, San Francisco.”

“Thank you. I’m very excited to talk about the Glittering Court and my charity. And this is my bodyguard, Mr. Nash.”

Gloria nodded and waved a hand. “This way.”

They went up several floors in an elevator, and when the doors opened, she saw the studio. People bustled around, and cameras were lined up in front of the brightly lit set.

Rome stepped closer to Sofie, pressing a hand to her lower back. He scanned around.

“The lovely Princess Sofia,” a deep, masculine voice drawled.

One of the hosts of the show, Matt Grable, stepped forward. He wore a sharp suit, and had a wide, perfect smile that had to make his dentist proud. Combined with his square jaw, brown hair, and dimples, he looked perfect for television.

He took Sofia’s hand but didn’t shake it, just held it. “You’re even more beautiful in real life.”

“Thank you.” She saw the glint in his eye. A man used to women tumbling at his feet. She tugged her hand free, and gave him a cool, regal look.

“Princess, we have a private green room where you can wait, with snacks and refreshments,” Gloria said.

Sofie inclined her head.

“Jenny, my co-host, and I are real pleased to have you on the show.” Matt smiled again.

Rome steered her away. Gloria showed them to a green room with a large couch and small kitchenette.

“I’ll come and get you when it’s time. It won’t be long. Makeup will be along shortly.”

Sofia waited for the door to close behind the woman, then dropped onto the couch. “Mr. Grable’s teeth were so white they almost blinded me.”

Rome grunted, but it sounded like he was hiding a laugh. He walked around the room, checking everything. “You like these sorts of things?”

“Interviews?” She shrugged. “Some are better than others. It’s a chance to increase awareness of the exhibition and the Victoria Foundation, so I take any inconvenience that comes with it.”

There was a knock at the door. Some makeup artists and a hairdresser arrived to touch-up Sofia’s face and hair.

After they’d left, there was another knock, and the door opened. Gloria’s head appeared. “Ready?”

Sofia rose. “Ready.”

They walked out. More lights were on, washing the set in bright light. There was a couch and two armchairs. The two hosts were being fitted with their mics.

“I’ll stand over there.” Rome pointed to the left of the set. “If you get worried about anything, you head there.”

“Thanks, Rome.”

“Go and kill it.”

His quiet support made her straighten.

As a technician fitted her with a mic, Jenny Jackson, the second host, strode over to meet her. She was an attractive African-American woman with her hair in a dark bob.

“A pleasure, Princess Sofia. Welcome.”

“Thank you.” Sofia settled on the couch.

“Ready?” Matt winked at her.

She kept her calm, serene smile in place, and nodded.

Cameras blinked on. The two hosts smiled.

“Good Morning, San Francisco,” Matt boomed.

“I hope your day’s off to a great start,” Jenny followed.

The pair bantered, talking about some local topics of interest. They made some jokes.

“Well, we have a truly special guest today. Royalty right here in the studio.” Matt waved a hand. “The beautiful Princess Sofia of Caldova.”

Sofie smiled. She glanced to her right, but couldn’t see Rome due to the bright lights. “Good morning. It’s a pleasure to be visiting your gorgeous city.”

They made small talk. The pair asked her about her favorite places in the city.

“But you’re not just here on vacation,” Jenny said.

“No. I’m here for a wonderful reason, one very close to my heart. The upcoming Glittering Court royal jewelry exhibition and gala.”

“What woman could pass up the chance to see diamonds and famous gems?” Jenny said, with a smile.

“It’s going to be entrancing.” Sofie gave her practiced spiel on the exhibition. “The event launches with a special gala night in just a few days.”

“I hear tickets are already sold out for that,” Jenny said.

“Yes, but still plenty of tickets for the exhibition. The jewelry will be on display for several weeks.”

“There will be lots of guests at the gala.” A sly look covered Matt’s face. “Will your former fiancé be there?”

Sofie stilled and fought back her annoyance. They’d been asked to stick to questions on the exhibition, not personal items or gossip. “I’m sorry, Matt, I’ve never been engaged.”

“Prince Crispin.”

“Oh, we were never engaged.” She leaned forward. “I would’ve thought you knew this, being in television, but you shouldn’t believe what you read in the tabloids.”

Jenny stifled a laugh and Matt looked disgruntled.

Asshat. Sofie kept her smile in Copyright 2016 - 2024