The Bodyguard (Norcross #4) - Anna Hackett Page 0,23

you broken like Victoria.

“Who’s Victoria?”

Sofie let out a small noise. Her hands twisted in his shirt.

“Victoria Cavadini, one of my bestest, most beautiful friends.”

He remembered her talking about the Tori she’d lost. “The Victoria Foundation?”

Sofie nodded. “I named it after her.” She gripped his wrist, stroking his skin. He didn’t think she even realized she was doing it. Her fingers were so small and delicate compared to his.

“She was so much fun. She used to elbow me when I was being too serious. She made me laugh.”

“What happened?”

“Three years ago, she became the target of a gang of jewel thieves. Her family are Caldovan aristocracy, wealthy, with an amazing jewel collection second only to the Royal jewels.” Sofie paused. “Tori was on a trip to Paris when they attacked her. They didn’t just take the jewelry…two of them raped her. She never recovered. She didn’t give herself enough time.”

Rome heard the mixed emotions in her voice—fear, love, hate, anger.

He understood. He felt them, too. Every single day since the time a six-year-old Lola was snatched off the street by a predator.

It had been Rome’s job to protect his baby sister, and he’d failed. “I know it hurts, beautiful. Hold on.”

Sofie turned her face to his neck. He felt the tears on his skin.

“Tori took a bottle of sleeping pills.”

He tightened his arms. He wanted to comfort her, to take away the pain. He rocked a little.

“Her poor boyfriend, Lorenz, was heartbroken. I was heartbroken,” Sofie said quietly. “I started the charity to help other victims of violence. I couldn’t help Tori, but I can help save others.” She lifted her head and he saw her eyes were dry now. “That’s why the jewelry exhibition is important. It raises money and awareness for the foundation.”

“You’re pretty incredible, Princess Sofia of Caldova.”

Pink spots appeared on her cheeks. “Hardly. I’m doing what anyone with my resources and influence would do.”

No. He’d met all kinds of wealthy people. He didn’t believe that for a second.

She glanced at her watch and squeaked. “I need to get ready for the TV interview.” She tried to scramble off him.

But Rome held her in place. Her robe parted, showing him a flash of slender leg. He noticed an ugly bruise on her knee. “What’s this?”

She stilled. “Ah, I’m not sure.”

He parted the silk a little more and he saw another bruise on her lower thigh.

“I must have got them doing yoga.”

Rome’s brows drew together. “I didn’t see you fall, or bump into anything.”

She waved a hand. “Maybe I bumped the dresser in my room. Yes, that was it.”

He got the distinct impression she was lying to him.

“Interview.” She leaped off his lap.

“Okay.” His phone pinged. He grabbed it and read the message from Ace. His eyebrows rose. “Well, I have some good news for you.”

She turned. “Oh?”

“The jewelry that was stolen, it was returned safely to its owner last night.”

For a beat, Sofia’s face didn’t change. “That’s great news.” Then she smiled, although it didn’t quite reach her eyes.

Rome was good at picking up little details, and he was quickly becoming an expert at reading Sofie. He frowned. Something was off.

“Truly, it’s wonderful,” she said. “I’m glad to hear it.”

“It looks like it was the work of Robin Hood.”

Sofie gasped. “The mysterious jewel thief?”

Rome grunted. He wasn’t a big fan of people taking the law into their own hands.

“I’m just glad the jewelry is back safe and sound.” She tightened the belt of her robe. “Now, I have to get ready or we’ll be late.”

“Takes a while to put the ‘princess’ mode on, huh?”

“It sure does.” She raced up the stairs.

Rome slid his hands into his pockets. The woman was such a fascinating puzzle.

But he liked her relaxed and snuggled in his arms most of all.

He was in so much trouble.

Chapter Seven

Sofie pinned her smile in place and walked into the television station offices. She wore a lovely white dress with a blue pattern on it, and a thin blue belt at her waist. Luis had done an outstanding job selecting clothes she loved.

Rome was right behind her, with his bodyguard face front and center.

She leaned into him. “You know, if I have a princess face, it’s nothing compared to your bodyguard face.”

He shot her a look. “Behave.”

“Princess Sofia, welcome,” a voice said.

She took a deep breath and turned. There was a small group who made up her welcoming committee. A woman with a headset stepped forward with a smile.

“It’s a pleasure to be here,” Sofie said.

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