The Bodyguard (Norcross #4) - Anna Hackett Page 0,16

his eyes.

“Rome, I—” She dragged in a breath. “I really want to kiss you.”

Her words broke the spell and his face shuttered. He stepped back, leaving her feeling bereft.

“This isn’t happening. It can’t happen.”

All the fizzy feelings in her crashed to her feet. “I know.”

“Sofia, I’m in charge of your safety. I can’t afford to be distracted, or focused on other things.”

“Right.” She hated that her voice was shaky.

She heard him bite out a curse. “You’re a beautiful woman…”

She winced.

He released a breath. “I mean it.”

“I get it, Rome.” She pulled all her embarrassment and disappointment into a tight ball in her belly. “Let’s go, and just enjoy our ice cream.”

She shoved out the door.

“Hey.” He grabbed her arm. “Stay beside me.” He pulled her close again.

Torture. Sofie wished he really wanted her close, not just because she was his job. She licked her ice cream, but now it was tasteless.

“Rome?” a deep, throaty female voice said.

They both looked up.

Sofie’s heart shriveled. A gorgeous African-American woman stood in front of them. She was nearly six feet tall, statuesque, with curves for days. She had a beautiful face, and shining, dark skin, topped with a head full of glorious, black curls.

She smiled at Rome like she’d just won the lottery.

“Tara,” Rome said. “It’s been a long time.”

“Too long.” Totally ignoring Sofie, the woman leaned in and kissed his cheek. Then she glanced at Sofie and blinked. “Oh, hi.”


“Tara, this is a friend of mine.” Rome paused. “Sam.”

“Nice to meet you.” Tara looked back at Rome. “You look great.”

“You too.” He glanced down at Sofie. “Tara is a private investigator.”

So, beautiful, smart, and badass. Sharp pricks poked Sofie in the belly. The woman was gorgeous, vibrant.

Tara talked, mentioning some joint friends they shared. She put a hand on Rome’s arm. They looked gorgeous together, and worked in similar businesses.

Sofie glanced away, feeling miserable.

She stared off into the distance. It was stupid to have even considered for a second that Rome would break the rules for her.

He could have this smiling, beautiful woman who could do whatever she wanted, whenever she wanted to.

Sofie was bound by the chains of duty and position, whether she liked it or not.

She usually never resented her royal status. Being part of the Caldovan royal family was a part of who she was. She loved serving her country and her people.

With the added mission of tracking down the people who’d hurt Tori, her life was full.

She realized her avocado ice cream was melting and she had no desire to eat it. Her throat felt like it was filled with sawdust.

“I’m just going to throw this in the trash.” She pulled away from Rome.

She saw him frown at her half-eaten cone. She tossed it out. She just wanted to get back to the house and be alone.

She had work to do.

Turning, she saw Rome smiling at the tall, gorgeous Tara, just as the woman slipped her card into his pocket.

“Call me when you’re free.”

Ugh. Sofie pasted a smile on her face. “I’ll wait in the car. It was a pleasure to meet you, Tara.”

“Sam—” Rome reached for her, but Sofie dodged.

“Take your time,” she told them.

She hurried to the SUV, taking a few deep breaths. It was so silly to weave fantasies about a man she barely knew.

A man who was being paid to be with her.

“Hey.” Rome appeared, pressing her against the SUV. “What was that?”

“What was what?”

“Rushing off. You didn’t finish the ice cream that you so desperately wanted.”

She sighed. This wasn’t his fault. She massaged her temple. “I’m just tired. I guess jet lag is hitting me after all.”

He eyed her, and she got the impression he didn’t believe her. She forced herself to meet his gaze.

“Okay,” he said slowly. He bleeped the locks and opened her door.

She climbed in and stared out the window while he slid behind the steering wheel. She unzipped her sweater, toying with the zipper to keep her hands busy.

This was a good reminder that Sofie was here for more important things than parties and men.

She had a job to do.

She’d promised Victoria, standing over her grave, that she’d get justice for her friend.

The doors locked with a click, but Rome didn’t start the SUV.

“Okay, now tell me what’s going on?” he said.

She tensed. “Nothing. Can we just go?”


Sofie huffed out a breath. “I liked your girlfriend.”

“Tara? She’s not my girlfriend. She’s the ex of an old military buddy.”

Well, Tara was angling for some Rome in her life. “She’s gorgeous. You Copyright 2016 - 2024