The Bodyguard (Norcross #4) - Anna Hackett Page 0,15

by your side the entire time.”

Sofia tilted her head. “You’ll have to wear a tux.”

“I have a tux.”

She got a faraway look in her eyes. “Figures.”

“Your first off-site interviews are tomorrow.”

“Yes, a daytime TV talk show is first up. They sent a list of questions.”

“I’ll take you there in the morning.” He looked down at the sheet. “And the jewelry shoot is in the afternoon at City Hall.”

She nodded again.

“Okay. I think everything is set.”

“Rome, can I ask a favor?”

He looked into those pretty, brown eyes. They could pull him in, and make him promise anything, if he wasn’t careful. “Sure.”

She leaned forward and made a praying gesture with her hands. “I really need some ice cream.”

He wondered how she stayed so slim, packing away burgers and ice cream. “Isn’t there some in the freezer?”

“Yes, but I really, really need ice cream from Mitchell’s.”

Mitchell’s was a San Francisco institution. Rome stiffened. “No.”


“I need time to prepare. To scout the area—”

“We’ll go incognito. I’ll…wear a ball cap.”

He was certain no one would expect Princess Sofia to be in yoga gear and a ball cap at an ice cream shop. Still…

“I don’t think this is a good idea.”

“Come on. You’ll be with me, no one expects us to visit an ice cream shop. Plus, my stalker is far, far away.”

Rome scowled. He’d prefer to keep her safe inside these walls.

She widened her eyes, stopping short of fluttering her lashes.

Fuck. He couldn’t say no. “Fine.”

“Yay.” She leaped up.

“You’ll stay by my side the entire time, and follow my orders.”

“I’ll do anything you ask.”

As those words tipped off her lips, he froze. Their gazes meshed and Rome felt heat hit his gut.

He imagined being able to ask this woman to do anything he wanted.

Shit. “Get your shoes.”

She nodded and hurried out. As she did, his gaze dropped to her perfect ass cupped by pale pink Lycra. He was sure those sweet curves would fit exactly in his palms.

Dammit to hell. He had to get a lock on this desire, or he was going to have to talk to Vander about getting reassigned.

His gut revolted at the thought. There was no one else he’d trust to keep her safe.

Dragging in a breath, he grabbed his keys and followed her.

Chapter Five

Sofie climbed out of Rome’s SUV and smiled.

Mitchell’s Ice Cream shop had a bright, striped awning, and a short line of people waiting to go in. The place was well known, and had been around since the 50s.

“Come on.” She jogged toward the door.

“Slow down.” He grabbed her arm. “We’re undercover, remember?”

She nodded. She preferred going out without the fanfare. In her leggings and her light, zip-up sweater, no one would recognize her. She also had a ball cap pulled low over her face, with her hair tucked up inside.

She looked like any other California girl. The thought made her ridiculously happy.

Some young men walked past, jostling her. Rome pulled her close and wrapped an arm around her shoulders.

Her pulse tripped. It was like they were just a normal couple. Sofia had never just wandered the streets with a man.

“Relax,” he rumbled.

She swallowed. “I’m relaxed.” She wrapped an arm around his waist.

“I’m not sure you know the meaning of the word.”

“I’m going to get the avocado ice cream.”

Rome’s nose twitched. “Avocado ice cream?”

With a smile, she leaned into him. “Rome, it’s delicious. You have to try it.”

His lips quirked.

She grinned. “Oh, my God. You do smile.”

His smile widened. “Yeah.”

She felt like she’d won a prize. “It’s a nice smile.”

His gaze traced her face.

Her pulse sped up, and she struggled for some control. Then the line moved, and they stepped into the store.

Sofie looked at all the flavors, then ordered her avocado in a cone. Rome ordered Mexican chocolate.

“Chocolate.” She shook her head.

“I’m traditional.”

She licked her ice cream and moaned. When she opened her eyes, he was staring at her lips.

She sucked in a breath, and then his gaze moved to her eyes.

Heat pooled in her belly. “Rome—”

“You want any chocolate?” His voice was gruff.

She shook her head. “No, but you have to try the avocado.” She swiped her finger through it and held up her hand.

She was sure he’d shake his head, but instead, his fingers wrapped around her wrist and pulled her hand to his mouth.

Oh. God. The flutters in her belly went wild.

He licked the ice cream off, his tongue touching the tip of her finger.

She felt that between her legs. “Rome.” Her voice was a husky whisper.

“You’re right. It’s good.” Flames danced in Copyright 2016 - 2024