Blue Violet - By Abigail Owen Page 0,79

around in my head for years. I have many more books and ideas in me and plan to continue to put them out there as fast as I can write them down. If you enjoyed this book, please look for the next installment of this series out in early 2013. If you would like to contact me, feel free to go to any of my author sites. Thanks again!


Abigail Owen, Author

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Excerpt from Hyacinth - Book #2 of the Svatura Series

Note from the Author: Hyacinth is still a work in progress. I am only on my first draft and have not done any editing yet. Enjoy!


“There’s something else isn’t there?” Ellie asked.

“Together, your families were my best hope of ending Gideon’s power over my family,” Selene said quietly. She looked up with an apology in her eyes. “I have so much to apologize to you for, I don’t even know where to begin,” she continued quietly, “I put you in danger after hiding you all these years. But it was my only option. Or at least the only way I could find.”

Ellie sat quietly for a while, thinking.

“Were you a part of what happened to my family?” she finally asked in a husky voice.

Selene closed her eyes. The question she had dreaded had been asked. “Yes,” she answered honestly. “I wasn’t as controlled in my powers then. I could only stop one person’s powers at a time, not all of them like I can now. Gideon would determine who I should stop, and then force me to stop them. He never fought himself. Just coordinated and controlled all of the rest of us. I never… we, none of us, ever had a choice.”

She didn’t tell Ellie that she was the only one of the pack under Gideon’s control who was aware of it. She suspected because of her specific combination of abilities. Everyone else accepted Gideon’s thoughts and directives as their own. But the pain of living with that knowledge, of knowing the evil they were doing, and her part in that, however unwilling, was something Selene wouldn’t make anyone else live with. Not if she could help it.

She looked up, directly into Ellie’s sober eyes. “I’m so sorry, Ellie.”

Ellie was quiet for a long time. Thinking.

“She’s telling the truth,” Addison’s voice sounded from the back of the room by the entrance to the kitchen.

“I’m sorry for eavesdropping,” Addison said as she came further into the room, “but this does involve me too, in some ways.” She turned to Ellie, taking her hand, letting Ellie take over her power, saying “You can see the truth in her words, but also in her emotions Elle.” Glancing at Selene, Addison prompted her, “Say it again. The end of it.”

Selene repeated her story, and her apology, willing to do or say anything if it helped Ellie.

When she stopped, tears were running down her cheeks. Looking up, she could see that Ellie and Addison were both crying as well.

Ellie stood up, walked over and pulled Selene out of her chair, and then wrapped her arms around her in a tight embrace. “I forgive you,” she whispered.

“What is she doing here?” the bitter cold rage in Griffin’s voice rolled over the three ladies, and caused Selene’s heart to sink into her stomach.

Ellie responded first, giving Selene a chance to gather herself. Composed, and with all her guards back up, she turned to face him. No one watching, especially Griffin, would ever guess that her heart was pounding in her chest. Or that she was desperate for him to accept her.

“She’s not dangerous Griffin,” Ellie argued.

“You don’t know that Elle,” he growled, never taking his eyes off Selene, glaring at her as he moved further into the room to stand beside his sister.

“I do,” Ellie replied stubbornly. “Look.” She reached to take his hand, but Griffin twitched out of her grasp.

“Anything you’re seeing about her is probably a lie, Ellie,” Griffin insisted. “Her family killed ours. And she was part of that.” At that point Griffin stopped talking, took his eyes from Selene and stared intently at his sister. Selene could tell that they were using their powers to speak to each other telepathically. After a few minutes of tense silence, Ellie shook her head, with a sigh. Turning to Selene she opened her mouth to speak, but Selene stopped her, raising her hand.

“I think I can see how things are, Ellie,” she spoke softly, taking care not to look at Griffin. “I don’t want to make any trouble in your family. I’ll go now.” Selene dropped her shield just for Ellie, saying into her thoughts, “Griffin can’t hear me Ellie. I’ll let you tell him about where I’m attending college. He seems to need some time to cool down first. And you don’t have to worry. If I see any of you on campus I’ll walk the other way.”

Ellie shook her head vehemently. But Selene couldn’t hear her thoughts. That wasn’t one of her abilities. Gathering her purse, Selene headed out the door. Ellie tried to follow her but was held back by Griffin.

Table of Contents

Copyright © 2012 by Abigail Owen

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Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20

Chapter 21

Chapter 22

Chapter 23

Chapter 24

Chapter 25

Chapter 26

Chapter 27

Chapter 28

Chapter 29

Chapter 30

Chapter 31

Chapter 32

Chapter 33

Chapter 34

Chapter 35

Chapter 36

Chapter 37

Excerpt from Hyacinth - Book #2 of the Svatura Series Copyright 2016 - 2024